Marianne Adoradio
Intense, serious, psychological murder mystery stories. It's very interesting. The photography is great with special gems throughout. The lighting matches the mood throughout. The tender relationship between father & daughter as a backdrop story throughout adds another well done aspect to the stories. I had never heard of the series nor the author, Henning Mankell - the basis for this seres. I LOVED the 4seasons. Brilliant.
Jennifer Hays
The stories in each episode are very creative, and the main character is someone you can really like even though he's dark and brooding. The pace is slow, but the show is a hour and a half long, so it's more like a movie.
Bruce M. Foster
There are weaknesses in this. The brooding detective comes off as dangerously incompetent and it almost gets his daughter killed. But it is well shot. Better than well, in fact.