Wimzie's House

1998 • PBS Kids
59 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ

1-маусым сериялары (28)

1 The Cookie Crisis
Shenanigans abound after Rousso makes his special cookies for the boys down at the fire station. Later, Jonas and Wimzie accidentally drop the cookie tin. Scared that they may have broken the cookies into little pieces, they keep the cookie tin out of Rousso's sight. To do so, they have to hide, run around and lie about the tin's whereabouts. They end up getting deeper into trouble than if they'd told the truth. Later, Horace accidentally sends the tin crashing to the floor again, in front of everyone. He starts crying because he thinks he's broken the cookies. Seeing their friend cry, Jonas and Wimzie are quick to confess that if the cookies are broken, it's their fault. In the end, the situation is cleared up and, when Rousso opens the tin, he discovers that the cookies were so hard they didn't break at all.
2 Boo!
Wimzie thinks it's great fun to play the "Boo!" game, which means sneaking up behind people and scaring the pants off them with a loud "Boo!" Jonas, however, wants to be left alone to play quietly with his dirt collection but is afraid to say so for fear that Wimzie won't like him anymore. With Yaya's help, he'll manage to express his feelings about how he'd rather play quietly by himself, even if that means being different from the others.
3 The Magic Crayon
To help Horace get over his general grumpy mood, Yaya makes him a magic crayon that can draw in the air. Loulou finds it and, not knowing that it belongs to Horace, she gives it to Wimzie as a gift. Meanwhile, Jonas arrives with his "Mevoca", a special voice-disguising megaphone toy for his budding spies. Horace, who's seen Wimzie parading with his magic crayon, is very angry and just can't seem to tell her that he wants it back. With Yaya's help the matter is cleared up, showing that it's better to say what's bothering you than to keep it bottled up.
4 I Want My Mommy
Wimzie is over the moon! Graziella has a day off and is going to spend it with her little girl. But Bo gets sick and Graziella's attention is turned to him. Wimzie is not pleased, starts acting out and pretends to get sick herself in order to get Graziella's attention. She ends up making her mom's day even more difficult. When the all-knowing Yaya, who suspects skullduggery, comes to administer some "delicious" mustard water to cure her mysterious and sudden illness, Wimzie is quick to confess and apologize to her mom. Graziella explains that sometimes, she may have to give a lot of attention to her brother but that doesn't mean she loves Wimzie any less. Later, she enlists "Dr. Wimzie," "Nurse Loulou" and the others to help her tend to Bo.
5 Flower Power
Yaya gives Wimzie some magical seeds that grow a plant that yields a special kind of flower. Jonas gives Wimzie some of his special dirt and they grow this plant together. When they see that the flower to be picked is a whistle (it's a Toot-Lip), each wants it for himself. They argue about who it should belong to: they're Wimzie's seeds, but it was Jonas' dirt. With Yaya's help, they finally come together to make a schedule about using it; they also understand that sometimes, these kinds of plans need to be made ahead of time to avoid disagreements. But then the Toot-Lip plant yields other whistles and there's enough for everyone, with the co-owners in charge of distribution...
6 Babies Have it Made
Wimzie is feeling a little needy one morning and asks her parents to help her do little things like tie her shoes and pour a glass of milk. Rousso and Graziella are busy with Bo and remind Wimzie that she's a big girl and can do these things for herself. Wimzie then sees how Bo is catered to, and thinks that babies have it made. She kind of wishes she was a baby so she could benefit from the same treatment. At nap time she dreams she's turned into a baby. The experience, even in a dream, turns out to be not as great as she thought and when she wakes up, she has a new appreciation of what Bo goes through. She also realizes that she's pretty happy being the age she is.
7 The Scaredy Cats
Wimzie's first sleep-over threatens to become a disaster when Loulou wants to go home because she's never stayed in someone's house overnight and is scared of doing so. Horace makes fun of Loulou's fears but has to deal with his own when he learns the gang will be sleeping in the dark, which scares him. He eventually confesses his fear and the others make accommodations for him. The next morning he redeems himself by standing up to a "monster", who turns out to be Rousso happily snoring away.
8 The Treasure Hunt
The kids go on a treasure hunt, after which they'll be rewarded with special Kazoo Cakes, little pyramid-shaped cakes that when eaten, make your voice sound like a kazoo. However, the kids don't know that and Wimzie eats one when she's not supposed to. She tries very hard to resist but she just can't... She's quite surprised to hear her voice change. She doesn't confess, but is forced to respond to everyone with noises and charades since, if she speaks, it's a giveaway that she's the culprit. Later on, of course, she tells the truth and is so contrite that Yaya is quick to forget the incident.
9 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
On the day of a costume party that Rousso and Graziella are going to, Horace wants to have some fun by telling the others that he's spotted a giant cat, then a hippo and finally, a huge toad. Every time he calls, everyone runs out to see, but there's nothing there. Yaya thinks a retelling of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," might do Horace some good and that's the story at nap time. Then, in a game of hide and seek, Horace is "it" and he discovers a wolf coming down the stairs. Unknown to him, it's Bo, who snuck under Rousso's "Big Bad Wolf" costume. Horace's credibility is down to zero and no one believes him, until they see the "wolf" themselves. Yaya straightens out the situation and Horace learns his lesson about fooling people.
10 What's the Matter with Horace?
Horace arrives in a foul mood on a day that a ripped screen in Wimzie's house brings in a swarm of mosquitoes. Graziella had been asking Rousso to fix the screen and again, he promises to get to it but he falls asleep instead. In the meantime, Horace's mood changes as he introduces his imaginary friend, Spike-the-mosquito, whose parents that morning had a yelling fight, which scared Spike. Yaya realizes that it's really Horace's parents who had the yelling fight. Later, Graziella and Rousso argue about his failure to fix the screen, but find a way to settle their differences, assuaging Wimzie and Horace that fights and disagreements between parents sometimes happen but it doesn't mean they don't love one another.
11 You're Not My Friend
Today, Loulou has decided to play games made only for two players. As a result, someone always ends up being left out and unhappy. The kids begin quarreling, then become friends again... From arguments to reconciliations and back, Yaya decides that there is too much conflict in the air and steps in to restore order.
12 To Share or Not to Share
Wimzie is annoyed about having to share her toys all the time. Yaya tries to re-instill the sharing ideal in her grand-daughter and succeeds for the time being, but barely. A long-delayed Christmas present, a real camera, brings Wimzie to the point of rebellion. She won't share it. The other kids ostracize her and won't even pose for pictures. Yaya encourages her to share the camera. She does and it breaks accidentally. Thanks to sharing, Wimzie's special present is broken and she's angry. Yaya realizes that Wimzie has a point and sets up a system where she and the other kids can put aside several toys a day that only its owner gets to play with. Rousso returns with a new camera. Wimzie shouldn't have to pay the ultimate price for sharing.
13 The Play's the Thing
A rainy day keeps the kids indoors. They decide to put on a play for their own amusement. Arguments over what play to put on, and who will play what character, hinder their progress until Yaya and Graziella introduce the concepts of auditions and cooperation. The result is the strangest version of Cinderella ever staged, with Horace as Cinderella, Wimzie as the Fairy Godmother, Loulou as the Prince and Jonas as the Wicked Stepmother.
14 The Lucky Pin
Jonas has been diligently practicing basketball and becomes good at it. Other circumstances lead him to believe that he has a lucky button, to which he starts attributing his new found skill. The button (and not his hard work practicing) becomes the source of his confidence. When the button goes missing, Jonas loses confidence in himself and can't do anything right. Wimzie makes a counterfeit button and Jonas starts performing well again. But he learns something important when Wimzie tells him he's been making all his shots with a fake button - luck comes when you work at it.
15 Queen for a Day
Today is the day Wimzie catches the flu that everyone else has already had. She's sent to bed but proves to be a very difficult patient, demanding service and attention from Yaya and everyone else. She also causes a puzzle tower that Jonas and the others are building to topple time and time again. Ultimately, Wimzie learns that the quickest way to get back to one's friends when one is sick is to rest up and get better.
16 A Fishy Fish Story
Wimzie and her friends desperately want a pet. Yaya wonders whether or not they are ready for the responsibility. The kids think they are, but Yaya decides to start them out with a fish they eventually name Fido. The kids agree to take care of the fish. But after the initial excitement, they soon grow tired of taking care of Fido. Yaya keeps watch and reminds them to put in fresh water, feed their pet and perform other tasks, as per the agreement. Then one day the fish bowl is empty and the kids fear Fido has run away because they stopped taking good care of him. A search proves fruitless but Yaya reveals that she's put the fish in her room. The children can have Fido back when they are ready to be responsible and take good care of him.
17 To Tell the Truth
When is it okay to tell a little lie? Ever? Wimzie blames Bo for spilling something she was told not to lift. Feeling badly about it, Wimzie confesses to Yaya, who tells her about the value of truth-telling. Later, Yaya fibs to a talkative phone friend in order to get ten minutes rest. Wimzie catches her in this lie. Truth-telling spreads and Rousso admits to Graziella that he really doesn't like her meatloaf, but never told her because he didn't want to hurt her feelings. Then, when Wimzie is the only one invited to a birthday party, she doesn't want to tell the others for fear of hurting their feelings. She calls back her friend and declines the invitation but the others get their own the next day and intend to go. A well-intentioned lie has gotten Wimzie into a mess... How will she get out of it?
18 Jonas, the Actor
The gang is going to put on a little show for the neighbourhood. Jonas has been told by a cousin that he's a rotten singer and dancer. This doesn't stop him from having fun play-acting with his friends, but doing it in front of strangers frightens him. He feigns a sore tonsil and twisted toe to get out of the performance. Wimzie and Yaya help him overcome his performance anxiety and by show time, they can't get the little ham off the stage.
19 All Alone
This morning, Wimzie has some big fun planned. However, none of the kids show up; Horace is having a checkup, Jonas is visiting the school he may go to, and Loulou has a morning playdate with a neighbour's daughter. Wimzie goes crazy being alone, pestering Yaya and generally being underfoot. Finally she begins to realize that being alone isn't as boring as she first thought when you allow your imagination to take over and entertain you.
20 You Just Gotta Keep Trying
Loulou is in awe of Wimzie's drawing skills and wants to draw a picture of Wimzie. Her attempts are mostly funny and totally off the mark. Meanwhile, Yaya finds her old guitar in the closet and plays it beautifully. Wimzie wants to learn to play like her grandma and gets her first lesson. However, she quickly becomes frustrated and gives up, despite Yaya's advice that any skill is something you have to work hard at. Wimzie thinks more along the lines of "If I can't get it right away, I don't want to do it." On the other hand, despite all her failed attempts, Loulou doggedly continues trying to draw that picture of Wimzie and finally produces a good likeness, and is lauded for it. The lesson isn't lost on Wimzie. In the final scene, at night, we hear the stumbling scales of a guitar playing. This time, the young player steadfastly continues practicing despite her mistakes.
21 A Medal for Horace
It's Happy Yaya Day and each child is supposed to make a gift for her. Horace, arrives wearing a special first-class Somersault Medal he won and hasn't taken off for a week. He's forgotten to make his gift for Yaya but is too embarrassed to admit it and says nothing. When it's his turn to give his personalized gift, he hems and haws and, in desperation, gives Yaya his special Somersault Medal. Later, Wimzie overhears Horace in the closet saying that he wants his medal back. He explains to her what happened but he still doesn't want to tell Yaya about forgetting her gift. So Wimzie tells Yaya who then improvises a "Child Appreciation Day", an "impromptu tradition" which must always follow a Happy Yaya Day. Part of this special day's ceremonial is to give each child a little gift. And of course, the one Yaya gives Horace is... his Somersault Medal.
22 By the Numbers
A simple game of counting backwards has repercussions when everyone but Loulou can do it. Upset, she mistakenly thinks that becoming like Wimzie will enhance her abilities. So she tries taking off her glasses, putting on some antlers, etc. But the transformation only complicates life for everyone. Ultimately, Loulou learns that she has some skills that others don't have, as do the others. The goal is to establish that everyone learns at his own pace and has something unique to offer the world.
23 Mad at Dad
Rousso has been away for two weeks on a job-related trip and Bo misses him terribly. However, when he returns, Bo is so angry with him that he won't let his daddy feed him, put him to bed or read him a story. Wimzie has been coping with her dad's absence by eating nothing but cereal for every meal and snack for the past ten days. At first, she happily welcomes her daddy back but her anger at his absence erupts when he chides her for her cereal eating. Rousso is hurt but understands his children's anger and deals with it until amity is restored. Wimzie learns that even adults have feelings, too.
24 Aahhchoo!
Wimzie comforts Jonas about getting a vaccination shot as a sudden sneezing fit leads her to think she's allergic to Yaya. Jonas tells her that, in case of allergies, the offending objects are usually removed and Wimzie immediately thinks she and Yaya will be separated. She is determined not to sneeze in her presence and avoids a doctor's visit for fear that he might discover that she's allergic to her grandmother. Rousso finds out the real cause of the allergy, his famous red peppers, and all is well.
25 Wimzie's Hushabye
Wimzie comes upon Yaya's stuffed bird in the Bric-a-brac closet and is surprised when it starts talking to her. She's thrilled and wants to show everyone, but the bird clams up because it is too shy to speak in front of strangers. Later, in private, Wimzie begs him to just say one little thing to her friends. The bird says he'll try, but once on the spot, clams up again. Wimzie gets mad at the bird for not coming through for her and returns it to the closet. Later, Loulou discovers the bird in the closet and is willing to accept it on its own terms: it would rather be a private, special friend than a public one. Wimzie realizes she was wrong in not accepting something for what it is and makes a public apology to the stuffed bird. The others think she's gone off the deep end. But suddenly, the bird comes to her defense and speaks up, touched by Wimzie's apology.
26 The Tattletales
Though Yaya discourages tattling, the kids are all telling on one another for small, petty annoyances and offenses. She tries to give them strategies to cope with what's bothering them but they prefer to tattle and have Yaya handle it. The non-tattling dictum comes home to roost when Horace tries to do something dangerous and no one says anything to Yaya. Horace bruises his knee and Yaya explains the difference between regular tattling, which she doesn't want to hear, and important "tattling", which you do when someone is doing something dangerous.
27 I Dare You!
Rousso is participating in a Fireman's Challenge Day, in which firemen compete against each other in the dangerous aspects of their jobs. After Rousso explains that a challenge is something like a dare, the kids begin to dare one another and do crazy and then dangerous things. Both Rousso and the kids learn that "daring" is a dangerous game to play and fortunately they manage to do so before anybody gets hurt.
28 We Want Toys!
Wimzie is obsessed with a particular toy, a "Binga-Boinga", that she's seen on TV and equates gift-giving with love. When she sees that Rousso is willing to give up something very special in order not to disappoint her, she learns that parents display their love in many different ways, gift-giving being a very small way.

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Come spend a "day in the life" with the monsters at wimzie's house and you'll never want to go home. It's the magical kind of daycare that leads to delightful adventures for the pre-school child. All of the characters are wild and wooly on the outside, but definitely human on the inside. Five year old wimzie and her mother Graziella, an airline pilot, live in Yaya's house with Rousso, wimzie's best friend. Yaya takes care of the children when Graziella is flying around the world. Join wimzie, Rousso and their friends as they work out the relationships that grow out of being together every day, or growing up just a little every day. They learn not only about themselves but also about the world outside the door. A daycare full of little monsters what could be more real? There is conflict, difficulty, resolution, triumph, laughter, tears, anger and joy. wimzie is a world of enchantment.

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