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Episoade Sezonul 3 (13)

1 Ulterior Motives
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Shannon and Tom encounter Dr Whitewood, whose suspicions drove the Smiths away, snooping outside the house. They tell Rhydian but he's more preoccupied with Maddy's silence. At the school careers fair, he gets the scent of another Wolfblood: Dacia Turner, who works for Segolia, a global corporation. Dacia reveals that Segolia arranged for the Smiths to be taken off to a new life in Canada, and that some of its employees are Wolfbloods. Shannon sees a future there for herself but Whitewood turns up at school. She's sticking around for full moon that night. Shannon and Tom think that Rhydian must be safe because she doesn't know about him, but Whitewood learns about him. Rhydian confronts her but Whitewood injects him with a sedative: now she's found her 'werewolf', she intends to watch him transform in front of other people. But her progress is interrupted by a wolf leaping onto her car, then transforming into Dacia. Shannon and Tom find a dazed Whitewood, who's freed Rhydian: she has agreed to work for Segolia in return for keeping the Wolfblood secret. Tom and Shannon realise that this means Maddy can return to Stoneybridge - to theirs, and Rhydian wolf's delight.
2 Alpha Material
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Rhydian's hopes of a reunion with Maddy are dashed when Dacia reveals getting her and her family to Canada is too complex for Segolia to reverse. Rhydian declares he will go to Canada and track Maddy down himself. In the woods, Rhydian is surprised by wild Wolfbloods Aran and Meinir. They take him to Jana, who's been shot. Rhydian takes them to Maddy's house. Ceri tells Rhydian Jana will die if she isn't treated. Rhydian calls Tom and Shannon to help but Tom says his doctor mum will only call the police. Rhydian asks Dacia - but she can't get a trusted doctor to Jana for some time. With Jana deteriorating, Rhydian rings a vet - but his plan relies on Jana being able to maintain her body in wolf form. Thanks to Ceri she does and the operation is a success. Meinir returns to the pack, though Jana and Ceri are wary about trusting her. Rhydian returns home to face a concerned Mrs Vaughan: she'd worked out he was running off to find Maddy and reminds him he has responsibilities to his friends and to his foster brothers, as well as to himself. Rhydian resolves to remain in Stoneybridge.
3 With Friends like These
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Tom is caught in the headlights of a jeep - then dragged off by Rhydian and Aran, who are out hunting. Rhydian maintains they'd have escaped unseen, were it nor for Tom; but Tom points out that the farmer was only there because they've been stealing his livestock. The farmer is revealed as Liam's father - and Liam has evidence which points to Tom poaching. With Rhydian silent, Shannon steps in and claims Tom can't be guilty - she was with him yesterday evening... they're a couple. But Liam remains suspicious and Rhydian has to prime Shannon so she isn't caught out. Ceri gets caught in a net trap in the woods. Rhydian and Aran free her - unaware that all this has been filmed on a concealed camera, planted by Liam. Rhydian admits stealing the animals - to help the injured Jana, but Liam says he's calling the police. Rhydian plays his trump card: he filmed Liam hiding in the girls' changing room as he tried to eavesdrop on Shannon and will put it online if he doesn't back off. Liam is forced to agree. Rhydian and Tom resolve their differences - then Shannon fakes a break-up with Tom so it's clear they're no longer dating.
4 Is Thicker than Water
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Sensing a Wolfblood and giving chase, Rhydian discovers the man is Gerwyn, his father. Gerwyn maintains that Ceri has never understood him, but he's come back to be with his family and wants Ceri to grant him enouwian (forgiveness). Wary, Ceri refuses. When Dacia comes face-to-face with Gerwyn, she reveals that he is wanted by Segolia, after having embezzled millions of pounds from the company. With Ceri branding this as typical and Rhydian unsure what to think, Gerwyn insists he's innocent: all he did was flag a discrepancy in the company accounts linked to something called Cerberus and suddenly he was public enemy number one. Dacia admits she's already alerted Victoria Sweeney, Segolia's head of security. Returning, Aran tells the Wolfbloods they are surrounded. Gerwyn flees into the woods, followed by Victoria and her team. They follow his scent - unaware that Gerwyn has swapped clothes with Aran who outruns Segolia's security forces, allowing Gerwyn to return undetected to the Smiths'. Rhydian hopes his father will stay but Gerwyn tells him he can't put them in danger by remaining in Stoneybridge. Ceri grants him forgiveness and Rhydian sadly watches his dad leave.
5 The Dark Ages
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When Katrina opens a box belonging to former cafe owner Bernie, Shannon and Tom are witness to relics with carvings of wolves on them. In the excitement, Kay breaks a ring, turning Kara and Katrina against her. Studying photos, Ceri confirms the relics belonged to Wolfblood tribes from the Dark Ages. Katrina shows the finds to Jeffries who suggests there could be more to be unearthed. The K's and Jimi, Sam and Liam start planning their own secret treasure hunts; and when Kara and Katrina go looking for Kay, willing to forgive her, they discover her with Tom, planning a date - which surprises Shannon. With Tom and Kay out of the picture, it's up to Shannon to challenge the K's and the boys - but Rhydian, Jana and Ceri use trickery to scare them away. They successfully unearth further relics - but the celebrations are brought to an abrupt end when Aran, who went ahead to prime the pack for Jana's impending return, comes back to report they have vanished. Devastated, Jana assumes this must be Meinir's work. She tells Shannon to let Jeffries have the relics for the local museum and resigns herself to a life in Stoneybridge.
6 Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
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Now pack-less, Jana lashes out at those around her. Rhydian says she has the morwal in her and that being full moon, the wolf will attack. But Jana dismisses her friends' concern and attacks Jimi in art class when he teases Katrina about her dog. Kara and Katrina tell Jana she is now one of them now. Wanting to assert her authority, Jana takes control of the Ks and complains about school dinners, throwing a plate of food across the room. Realising she's gone too far, Jana flees, pursued by Rhydian. He and Ceri talk her round: they may be diminished in numbers, but not in strength. After detention that night, Kay, Kara and Jimi lock Jana in the kitchen. Rhydian and Ceri rush to help - but with the full moon rising, they can't enter the school before transforming. Shannon and Tom arrive just in time to stop Jimi, Kay and Kara releasing Jana, who's now in wolf form poised to attack. To get rid of them Tom tells Kay it's over between them. Not wanting to leave her alone, Tom and Shannon enter the kitchen... The next morning, Rhydian and Ceri arrive early to find Jana curled up asleep with Shannon and Tom like a pack.
7 Wolves Amongst Us
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Concerned about her depression, Rhydian tells Jana they're not doing work experience at the Kafe and takes her to some caves Ceri had found... unaware that his foster brother Ollie is following them. While Tom faces the wrath of the Ks alone in the Kafe, Shannon has secretly gone to Segolia, giving Whitewood Jana's pizza leftovers - with her wild Wolfblood DNA on it to help their research into curing diseases. Whitewood's boss Alex Kincaid promises Shannon he will fund her university education. At the caves Jana gets visions of Wolfbloods been hunted and shot on full moon. Yellow-eyed, veining, she collides with Ollie. She lies to him, saying that she can see into the past, and when that happens, her eyes change colour. Jana and Rhydian carve a memorial to the Wolfbloods who died. Caught bunking off, Jeffries warns Rhydian and Jana they'll be expelled if they step out of line again. Rhydian sinks even lower when Dacia appears with evidence of his father's crimes against Segolia and he realises Shannon did her work experience there. Jana points out that Wolfbloods keep secrets for a reason, so Shannon must have had one. But Rhydian has helped her get over her depression.
8 Dark of the Rune
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It's the dark of the moon, and Rhydian and Jana are forced to help at a school stargazing event, organised by Shannon to coincide with a comet passing overhead - but Ceri warns them that something bad will happen that evening... although she can't say what. At school, tension simmers between Rhydian and Shannon, even more so when Whitewood arrives with a high-end telescope courtesy of Kincaid. Just after some shooting stars appear, Jana and Rhydian lose balance, then collapse unconscious. Concern for her friends overriding any bad feeling, Shannon wonders if there might be a link between the comet and the dark moon and asks Tom to check on Ceri. When he gets there, she's unconscious. Shannon reasons that the shooting stars must be interfering with the Wolfbloods' connection with the moon and, with Whitewood's help, successfully blocks the interference, bringing Rhydian and Jana out of their coma. A relieved Shannon makes amends with Rhydian, who thanks Whitewood - and Jana tells Whitewood she would be interested in learning more about Segolia's work. Tom, however, feels his contribution to saving the Wolfbloods has been forgotten in the euphoria of them being saved...
9 The Cure
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Shannon, Jana and Tom visit Segolia, at Kincaid's invitation, but Tom gets separated from the others. Shannon witnesses Kincaid test a serum derived from Jana's wild Wolfblood DNA on himself, which heals an old leg injury. Jana does Ansion on a family heirloom of Victoria's, prompting her to offer Jana a job. Meanwhile, Tom overhears Victoria interrogating a prisoner about Cerberus and chances on a high-tech applicator the prisoner drops while trying to escape. Rhydian insists this means his father is innocent and Victoria is trying to frame him, but Jana defends her, and Shannon chastises Tom for stirring up bad feeling. The next day, Tom's displaying new athletic skills and heightened senses of hearing and smell, and admits he took the serum by accident - and it seems to have given him Wolfblood abilities. Concerned, Rhydian contacts Dacia, who agrees to investigate Victoria. But Tom is irked his friends have problems with his new-found popularity and warns them to back off: he's glad he took the serum, because, for once, he's not playing second fiddle to their dramas and personal obsessions. Shannon, Rhydian and Jana can only watch, hurt and powerless, as Tom strides off surrounded by a new pack of admirers...
10 The Cult of Tom
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With his popularity sky high, Tom conceals a dizzy spell, determined to hang onto his new pack of friends and admirers. Rhydian and Jana seek help from Dacia who has no news - unaware that Victoria is monitoring their conversation. Shannon contacts Whitewood who returns with Rhydian and Jana to Stoneybridge. They go to the Kafe, where Tom's fighting to contain his sensory overload, dancing energetically with a smitten Kay. But he loses control and flings her across the room. Panicked, he bolts, bumping into Jeffries who sees his eyes turn yellow. Rhydian, Jana, Shannon and Whitewood find him collapsed by the river. They take Tom to Maddy's house, where Kincaid fails to alleviate the symptoms. Ceri tries traditional Wolfblood healing and it works. Kincaid tells them he'll analyse the residue from the applicator; it's nothing he or Whitewood have worked on, but what little he knows makes Victoria the prime suspect. Believing he's asleep, Shannon reveals her true feelings but Tom has heard. Now recovered, Tom apologises to his friends, especially Shannon - the person he became because of the serum isn't who he really is, and he now appreciates who his real friends are.
11 The Suspicions of Mr. Jeffries
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When Rhydian and Jana hear Jeffries quizzing Kay about Tom's eyes changing colour, they panic. Tom had no idea that even happened - but he and his friends now need to throw Jeffries off the scent, especially when he starts asking Liam about werewolves. Shannon suggests Tom wears coloured contact lenses as a joke to allay his suspicions and Rhydian heads off to get some. After school, they find Victoria waiting for them, wanting to question Tom about the serum he took. Yellow-eyed and veining, as Victoria is, Ceri and Jana move to defend him - but then Jeffries appears... and he's seen them all. Terrified, he flees, but Victoria and her team capture him: the Wolfblood secret must be protected at all costs, and he knows too much. Rhydian appears in wolf form and stops her, then transforms back in front of a shell-shocked Jeffries, and forces her to back off. Once she's gone, Shannon, Tom and the Wolfbloods attempt to reassure Jeffries, who's reeling. The next day at school, he covers for them but, when they thank him, he claims not to understand what they're talking about, leaving them more anxious than before that the shock has been too much for him.
12 Cerberus
Numai întregul sezon
Rhydian believes that Dacia has found something to prove Gerwyn's innocence and gives gives her the location for the rendezvous with his dad - unaware Victoria is with Dacia. He and Ceri discover Victoria's henchmen chasing Gerwyn. They're stopped by Aran and Alric who found each other but failed to locate Meinir or the pack. The henchmen flee. Shannon calls Kincaid who tells Rhydian he can get the Wolfbloods to safety for full moon that night as Victoria will be back. Rhydian is unaware of Liam and Jeffries listening. After school, Shannon sees Victoria questioning Jeffries as Liam demands answers from Tom. Dacia hears where the wolfbloods are and sets off with Victoria to intercept them. Liam, Jeffries, Tom and Shannon bike off in pursuit. Kincaid gives the Wolfbloods some meat and helps them into his truck as Victoria's Landrover approaches, but Gerwyn stays, intending to give himself up. As Victoria demands answers, Gerwyn loses consciousness - as do the Wolfbloods in Kincaid's van. Shannon warns Victoria and Dacia Kincaid knows they're behind Cerberus - but on hearing that Kincaid has supposedly been helping Victoria realises they have all been fooled by Kincaid. At a country house, Kincaid removes the unconscious Wolfbloods from his van - watched by Meinir.
13 Moonrise
Numai întregul sezon
Rhydian, Jana, Ceri, Aran and Alric wake up in a cage, with Jana's pack. Meinir appears with Kincaid. She's human - and now they've had the same serum she had, they will become human too, come moonrise. Whitewood and Shannon create a distraction while Tom and Victoria free the caged Wolfbloods - but they still have to find an antidote, and fast. Kincaid informs them there isn't one and locks them in a room, taking Gwyn hostage. Rhydian breaks down the door and goes after him. Tom suggests using the same serum he took - the one that gave him Wolfblood abilities - and it works. Kincaid tells Rhydian he is saving Wolfbloods from themselves because he was savaged by his Wolfblood foster brother and co-existence can never happen. Jana gives Rhydian the antidote in time and they transform. Kincaid flees, climbing a tree, surrounded by wolves. Five weeks later: the school year is ending. Kincaid has been ousted and Segolia has arranged for Rhydian to go to Canada to be with Maddy. Making his farewells, Rhydian suggests a sad Jana work for Segolia and tells Gerwyn to look after Ceri, assuring Shannon, Tom and Jana they will still be a pack. He is reunited with Maddy in Canada.

Despre serial

Part-human, part-wolf, with extraordinary speed and senses, Wolfbloods secretly live amongst us able to transform at will. Friendships and loyalties of a group of teens are tested to breaking point as they negotiate the battle between their wolf and human sides. Whilst some pack members find sanctuary far away from Stonebridge, their countryside village idyll, others led by young Alpha Jana are thrown into the chaotic streets of the city, subject to the rule of shadowy corporation Segolia and torn between the call of the wild where packs live freely in the wilderness. Each triumph over adversity for Jana and her friends has repercussions as their secret unravels in an ever more precarious world. With more than survival at stake, Jana is forced into a momentous decision... with heart-rending, life-changing consequences for all.

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