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78 reviews

Season 1 episodes (13)

1 Lone Wolf
We meet Maddy and realise that she is no ordinary girl - from no ordinary family - she is a wolfblood and none of her friends know. Maddy is under pressure to recruit members for her school photography club, or it is going to be closed down. A new boy arrives in school, the mysterious Rhydian, but there's something different about him - he's a wolfblood. Instantly her guard is up - what's a wolfblood family doing on her territory? Rhydian struggles with his first day and wolfs out in school. Maddy gets him into her photography dark room and manages to control him. She looks down on him for not being able to control himself. Rhydian disappears from school. Maddy and her friends Tom and Shannon come up with an idea to recruit people for the photography club, by piggy-backing onto an after-school badger watch. They over-hear that Rhydian is a foster child. Maddy feels terrible; Rhydian doesn't have parents, he doesn't know what he is. She goes off in pursuit of him, trying to persuade him to stay and he tries to outrun her. They race each other, eventually charging into the badger watch, much to their embarrassment. Rhydian agrees to stay - an uneasy truce.
2 Mysterious Developments
Shannon has taken a picture of the beast and put up posters of it all over school. Maddy thinks Rhydian is the beast in the picture, but he isn't. The pupils are really impressed until Jimi discredits Shannon, asking her to prove the photo isn't faked. Unknown to Shannon, Rhydian steals the photo card from the camera she used and the pupils think Shannon is a fraud. Shannon decides to go looking for more proof on the moors. Maddy and Rhydian can't come as they have dinner with Maddy's parents. Tom does go with her. It is a dark and misty night on the moors and Tom and Shannon hear something - the beast is circling them. Rhydian and Maddy are safe and cosy at Maddy's house, her parents are talking about wolfblood ways and Maddy learns something she never knew before - wild wolfbloods exist... If it wasn't Rhydian in the picture... it could have been a wild wolfblood? And they aren't so friendly to humans... Maddy and Rhydian charge off to the moors to protect their friends. There's a wolf-on-wolf stand-off. The wild wolf flees and Maddy and Rhydian manage to hide their real identity from Shannon and Tom.
3 Family Ties
There's a school art exhibition and the subject is family. Rhydian leaves annoyed when people poke fun at his honest, lonely view of the topic. Tom is excited about his dad coming and spending the weekend with him. Jimi is annoyed that his dad doesn't acknowledge his picture. Katrina is modeling her mum's precious 80's jacket in the exhibition to show how similar mother and daughter are. On Monday morning the pupils discover that the exhibition has been wrecked. Pictures destroyed, Katrina's mum's jacket ruined (and she didn't have permission to borrow it), Tom's picture torn to shreds. The class blame Rhydian, but he convinces Maddy that he didn't do it. Shannon comes up with a plan to catch the real vandal. Kara's luminous ink was spilled everywhere and it is colourless unless seen in UV light. The culprit will have it all over their shoes and be none the wiser. The Ks do makeovers to raise money to buy an identical jacket off the internet. Rhydian teaches Maddy to use her wolfblood senses - Tom's lying about his weekend away - is he guilty? Tom confesses that his dad never came to pick him up - but he didn't wreck the exhibition. Maddy helps Tom patch things up with his dad. Shannon's plan using UV light enables them to see Jimi with ink all over his trainers and he is unmasked as the real vandal. His father makes him pay for Katrina's identical jacket.
4 Cry Wolf
Maddy is nearing her first change and feeling tired, tetchy and teething too, the wolf close to the surface. Her mum wants her to stay home, but it is exam week and Maddy has worked too hard not to go in. Her mum gives her a formula to help keep wolf symptoms at bay, but Tom accidentally smashes the potion within the first 5 minutes of arriving at school! Being dyslexic, Tom is nervous about the English exam but Maddy forgot to go over to his the night before. She promises to help him at break-time instead. However, Rhydian tells Maddy the best way to ease pre-transformation nerves is to go for a run. Completely forgetting about Tom, Maddy takes off with Rhydian. Realising what she has done, Maddy feels awful, but Jimi has come up with an alternative solution for Tom - cheat! If Tom takes photos of the paper, they will both breeze through. Shannon and Maddy fall out and Kara asks Shannon to study with her for the science exam. The stress of the maths exam makes Maddy start to wolf out. Rhydian sees this and to stop anyone discovering her, he hits the fire alarm. The class is evacuated. He gets in big trouble - but Maddy is grateful. Later, Maddy goes to see Shannon studying with Kara in the science lab. She apologises for being so snappy, but Shannon is having none of it. During the ensuing row, two chemicals are spilt and slowly merge together. They catch light and Shannon, trapped by the fire, is concussed. Maddy raises the alarm and tries to help, but wolfbloods have an instinctive fear of fire and this causes her to partially wolf out. Shannon, coming to, witnesses this and is terrified. Rhydian raises the alarm and Tom rescues the two girls, but Tom doesn't believe Shannon's story, and claims she was hallucinating. Tom decides not to cheat after all.
5 Occam's Razor
It's full moon tonight and Maddy's first transformation. On a school day-trip to Lindesfarne, Maddy and Rhydian are bursting with energy and Tom and Shannon are getting suspicious about why they keep running off together. Shannon begins to think that Maddy is a werewolf and Tom thinks that Rhydian and Maddy are secretly dating. Rhydian gets panicky about being locked up in Maddy's parents' cellar and pretends to break his leg to stay on the island. He doesn't realise that this means Maddy and THE WHOLE CLASS will have to stay overnight too. Maddy and Rhydian plan to escape and transform on the beach, but this is easier said than done with Shannon and Tom watching their every move. The following morning, Maddy and Rhydian successfully explain away their seemingly sudden disappearance from the hotel, but Shannon and Tom's suspicions remain.
6 Maddy Cool
Full of hormones after her first transformation, Maddy is pushing limits and people's patience. When she spontaneously joins in with the school street dance group during assembly, (and is better than all of them), she gets a respect and likes it. However, when she was dancing, the energy brought the wolf to the surface and Shannon saw her eyes change colour. The 3 Ks notice Dean talking to Maddy, upsetting Kay, who is utterly in love with Dean. But Kara has a plan. The 3 Ks sneakily befriend the new "Maddy Cool" inviting her to their party, in the hope that Dean will come too. The new hot Maddy Cool falls out with Shannon, but Tom falls madly in love! The three Ks tell Maddy the party is happening at a village hall. Maddy gets there to find an OAP setting up for bingo. Meanwhile, Kay is impressing Dean with her dancing at the real party. Maddy unexpectedly arrives at the real party, angry and full of fire. She challenges Kay to a dance-off, humiliating her. No one messes with Maddy Cool, though Maddy Cool realizes she wants to be plain old Maddy again.
7 Dark Moon
The Dark Moon means there is no moon in the sky and this means wolfbloods have no wolf-senses and no energy. Rhydian and Maddy are exhausted. Shannon is still suspicious about Maddy, so when Maddy discards a plaster with her blood on it, Shannon takes it to Miss Parrish in the science lab to examine it under a microscope. But this doesn't prove anything and Miss Parrish says she needs to get a test done in a laboratory. After an intense drama class a woozy Rhydian passes out and is taken to hospital, where Tom's mother, Dr Okanawe, intends on giving him a full blood test. Maddy freaks - they can't take his blood - wolfblood is different to human blood... Rhydian tries to escape but is pulled back by Dr. Okanawe. Seeing Rhydian's blood being taken, Maddy passes out herself. When she comes to, she finds out her blood has been taken as well! (Shannon can't believe her luck). Exhausted and relying solely on their human skills, Rhydian and Maddy try to get to the lab, to destroy the evidence. Shannon realizes they would do anything to stop the blood test and alerts Dr Okanawe. They find them in the pathology lab - just in time. Apart from both being AB negative, Maddy and Rhydian are surprised to learn that their blood is normal. Shannon feels like a fool and guilty for doubting her friend. Maddy later finds out from her parents that on the day/night of the no moon, all trace of the wolf in their blood disappears.
8 Wolfsbane
Maddy has a cold and just wants to be normal and wolf free, to hang out with her friends. She plans to have a movie night in with Shannon, Tom and Rhydian. But Shannon goes to Bernie's and sees posters for lost pets and local farm animals... The beast is back! Shannon wants them all to go hunting on the moors again, and reveals how her parents have made her see a psychiatrist. Maddy feels guilty and resolves to help her find it (even if she or Rhydian has to transform themselves). Shannon doses Maddy up with her mother's homeopathic medicine. Unfortunately, Maddy starts exhibiting uncontrollable wolf signs and wants to eat. Rhydian tries to keep Tom and Shannon away from her. Misunderstandings ensue. Rhydian discovers the medicine was wolfsbane and the cure thistleroot. Shannon goes hunting on her own, Rhydian and Tom following, giving Maddy a chance to go home unseen. But Shannon has taken the meat Tom brought to cook, and feral Maddy goes out after them. In the woods there is a wild wolfblood roaming and it appears just as feral Maddy is about to attack Shannon. As Shannon takes photos of the "beast", getting the proof she needs to prove she's not mad, Rhydian feeds Maddy thistleroot and she returns to normal. The misunderstandings are resolved.
9 A Quiet Night In
It's full moon day. After a test sleepover in the den the previous night, Rhydian agrees to stay with the Smiths that night. Hyper excited, he and Maddy run towards school across the moors and come across some hidden must-have designer clothes (Sinclair). Obviously stolen and dumped, they take a couple for themselves and their friends. Shannon turns her gift down and The Ks go mad for it, trying to outbid each other. Rhydian lets the money go to his head, taking orders off others. Liam and Sam want Sinclair hoodies but can't afford what he wants for them. Maddy falls out with him over it. Liam and Sam follow Rhydian but he easily sends them the wrong way into brambles. He grabs a load of goods, unaware he is being photographed. Rhydian makes money doling out Sinclair gear. Jeffries gets a call from the police and warns the school about the consequences of selling or buying stolen goods. He questions the 3Ks who run rings round him and don't grass Rhydian up. In return he gives them their money back, Sam and Liam then blackmail him into getting them the hoodies or they'll tell. Rhydian arranges to see Maddy at her house and gives to the boys their gear. The police pounce but he uses his wolfblood powers to escape. He goes into Bernie's where Liam and Sam wait but Detective Bolton is there questioning kids. Rhydian gets arrested. Maddy and her parents have to get him released before moonrise. They succeed by fooling the police that he suffers from clinical lycanthropy. Rhydian, using his wolf hearing, acts upon the claims in his cell. Worried about him injuring himself, the police let him go. Failing to get home in time, the family transform on moors.
10 Call of the Wild
There's a homeless woman on the moors. Maddy and Rhydian recognise her scent - it's the wolfblood. At school Rhydian, without thinking, catches a stray football. The football team are agog at his skill and sign him up to be their new goalie. Tom is thrilled to have his mate on the team. But Rhydian meets the strange wolfblood in the woods in human form. She tells him she is his mother - Ceri. Rhydian freaks out. Preoccupied with this encounter, he stalks out of football practice and loses his place on the team. Ceri finds him in Bernie's. Whilst they are talking Jimi deliberately aggravates Rhydian, so Ceri attacks him. Rhydian and Ceri run off together. Ceri asks Rhydian to come away with her, showing him how to use his enhanced wolf-sense. Rhydian is seduced by this, and agrees to leave the following day. To keep Tom happy, Rhydian agrees to re-join the team. He excels in the football match and is responsible for the team's victory. Fated as hero of the hour, he realises that he is not ready to turn his back on what he is beginning to find here. He tells Ceri he won't be coming with her. She blames Maddy and his other friends, they have tamed him.
11 Eolas
Rhydian practices his enhanced wolf sense and shares this knowledge with Maddy. Her mum is furious, telling Maddy never to use it. She fights back so Emma tells Rhydian to leave her daughter alone. Daniel falls out with Emma over the whole issue. Maddy runs to Rhydian's. He tells her to go home and Maddy feels betrayed. She runs away to the city where she believes no one can track her. There she is fooled by a friendly girl and loses her money and belongings. Rhydian uses enhanced wolf sense to help Maddy's parents track her and we learn how Emma's best wolfblood friend when she was a girl turned wild when she used enhanced wolf sense. They find Maddy in a park and the family are re-united.
12 Caged
It's Maddy's second full moon and this time her parents are determined she and Rhydian will stay safe in the den. Shannon has given up all interest in the beast now but Kyle, a handsome young beast hunter, shows up with a young female film-maker in tow. He is a kindred spirit who knows Shannon's website and wants her help tracking the beast. She and Tom go up onto the moors with him and the film-maker to show him where her sightings have been. Kyle produces a super-bait he says is irresistible. Meanwhile, Rhydian and Maddy get claustrophobic and trick her parents, locking them in the den and escaping. Maddy and Rhydian transform and follow the scent trail when Kyle releases his bait. Shannon is shocked to see a tranquilliser gun come out and a cage. Maddy and Rhydian wolf are shot and caged Shannon realizes her "beast" is in fact two supposed extinct wild wolves even though Kyle claims there's more to it. Worse than that, he has been lying to her and intends taking them to some lab to do experiments. Enlisting the film-maker's help, Tom and Shannon trick him and the wolves get released.
13 Irresistible
Shannon is convinced it's her duty to get these wolves officially protected and plans an expedition back onto the moors to find this super bait of Kyle's so she can attract them again, take photos and get proof to show the authorities. Maddy and Rhydian need to find this bait before Shannon. But Rhydian is accosted by a young wolfblood on the way. It turns out to be his brother, Bryn, who ran away from Ceri to bring Rhydian "home" because he can't stand his mum being so miserable. Maddy, meanwhile, is prevented from going by her parents. They have decided their daughter should never have anything to do with him again and that she should leave the bait hunting to him as it has all been his fault - as has everything else which has gone wrong since he arrived. Maddy disobeys and escapes the house to go looking for it. Meanwhile, after Rhydian tells Bryn he won't be going with him, Bryn tries and fails to "out" Rhydian in public in Bernie's, hoping it will give him no choice. He calls Rhydian a traitor and liar before running off. Rhydian catches him up on the moors to persuade him he's not his enemy, but family. That's when they sense Ceri coming. Shannon finds the bait and releases it. Ceri transforms and goes to attack the bait Shannon holds. Maddy, fearing for her friend, tears off her mask, transforms and attacks Ceri wolf just before she leaps on Shannon. It's a stand-off, but the truth about Maddy is out for Shannon and Tom now. In the aftermath, come Rhydian and Bryn and Emma and Daniel. Rhydian resolves to go with Ceri and Bryn after all. Maddy has lost her shocked and dismayed friends who have been lied to all this time. Worse, she and her parents will hurriedly have to pack up and leave for good. Shannon, meanwhile resolves to put the photos and everything all up on her blog. Rhydian shows up and persuades her to think again. Tom begins to think twice too. As a distraught Maddy and her parents hurriedly pack up to leave, Tom and Shannon arrive. Their secret is safe. They want to understand and they want their friendship back. Rhydian heads for the far north with Ceri and Bryn.

About this show

Part-human, part-wolf, with extraordinary speed and senses, Wolfbloods secretly live amongst us able to transform at will. Friendships and loyalties of a group of teens are tested to breaking point as they negotiate the battle between their wolf and human sides. Whilst some pack members find sanctuary far away from Stonebridge, their countryside village idyll, others led by young Alpha Jana are thrown into the chaotic streets of the city, subject to the rule of shadowy corporation Segolia and torn between the call of the wild where packs live freely in the wilderness. Each triumph over adversity for Jana and her friends has repercussions as their secret unravels in an ever more precarious world. With more than survival at stake, Jana is forced into a momentous decision... with heart-rending, life-changing consequences for all.

Ratings and reviews

78 reviews
Rodley Amos
April 9, 2020
Rtdgyxyy the UK 83o vdgtf koorel Disney world of work to do so. We have been in business and management. The only thing that 21st century and a bit of fun.
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David Anderson
July 19, 2016
I have been a fan of this show since season 1, and while I do miss characters like Maddy, Rhydian, Tom and Shannon, I certainly enjoyed Season 4. I just wish Seasons 1, 2 and 3 were also available to be downloaded.
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Naila Parveen
December 11, 2016
Ok everyone out their if you want to buy season 1 2 3 aswell as season 4 press on the arrow where it says season 4 and wolfblood is the best TV show ever but even and the next step are as equal as wolfblood
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