Yo Gabba Gabba

2007 • Nick Jr.
757 կարծիք
Տարիքային սահմանափակում
Կարելի է ավելացնել
Դիտել վեբ դիտարկիչում կամ աջակցվող սարքերում Իմանալ ավելին

Եթերաշրջան 3 սերիաներ (13)

1 Doctor
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Toodee gets sick and needs to rest. The doctor visits and everyone helps Toodee feel better.
2 Superhero
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Toodee rallies up the troops to play Superheroes. We meet Super Mr. Superhero who helps rescue a lost monster.
3 Circus
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The characters help Al the Ringmaster make a circus in Gabbaland! Brobee learns to be a clown, and everyone gets to perform.
4 Bugs
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Muno takes us on a bug tour of Gabbaland! Plex shrinks the characters down to follow the Oskie bugs to their underground world where we meet the Queen Oskie Bug and watch eggs hatch.
5 Baby
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Lance shows videos of when the Gabba friends were babies. Brobee helps feed Muno's baby brother, and we meet Plex's niece Plexee.
6 School
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Brobee and Toodee discover there is no reason to be afraid of going to school.
Miss Angela teaches them fun things and they have Show and Tell.
7 Fairy Tale
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Lance reads a story to the characters where Jack (Muno) plants magic beans and climbs a beanstalk to meet the Giant (Brobee) and his bean machine.
8 Adventure
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Muno and friends go on an Indiana Jones like adventure! They travel through a jungle under Gabbaland and find the golden treasure.
9 Nature
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Yo Gabba Gabba! stars host DJ Lance Rock who brings to life four friendly monsters and a robot in a colorful land of music and laughter. The series highlights simple life lessons for preschoolers, through song and animation.
10 Treasure
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Two special guests travel to Gabbaland to search for hidden treasure with their compass. Everyone joins in the search and they do a special dance in the secret ice cave.
11 Flying
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Brobee and friends go on a hot air balloon ride and meet new friend Sparkles.
12 Clubhouse
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Brobee and Muno build a boy's clubhouse but won't let Foofa and Toodee play.
Lance and Plex help Foofa and Toodee build an awesome treehouse, and they let everyone play!
13 Pets
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Foofa gets a new pet called a Mokicho, but it becomes a lot of work. Plex explains the rules of pet care, and everyone helps Foofa care for the pets.

Այս սերիալի մասին

Yo Gabba Gabba! is a program for preschoolers that uses music and song to highlight life lessons and experiences in the lives of preschoolers. Join our host DJ Lance Rock as he brings to life five friendly toy monsters in a land full of song and dance.

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757 կարծիք