Susan Harbin
The 1st episode was pretty good with that black guy then they had him killed. There are some good scenes but that is rare and few. The acting is def not great and the scenes are very cheesy. Can that Addy girl be more annoying?! I'm a huuuge zombie fan and can tolerate just about any zombie flick but this is just awful. Thank god I saw these few episodes on Netflix and didn't rent or buy them. My opinion shut the show off and just wait till Feb 8th comes around!!
75 people found this review helpful
Jacob Payne
The first few seasons will capture you, however as the story progresses it is obvious that the writers are phoning it in. Main characters become stereotypical in every sense of the word, the plot gets as thin as possible, and the entire series now relies on millennial style jokes that are just awful, definitely not watching further seasons. I hope the writers never find work again based on the small amount of content that they can come up with. The plot also soon becomes characters that are the personification of teen angst and has logic fly out the window. They even throw in a kid who can only speak through obvious sound bytes of a crow... because aparently a kid got raised by a murder of crows... seriously? The repetition of mistakes within the characters becomes unbearable and not to mention that the few characters that actually add depth to the story become complacent and overall just annoying. If you are under the age of 15 and like zombies, I'm sure this show will suit you, mostly because you have minimal sense of what a good show entails. Very disappointed and do not recommend anyone to buy this season unless you are half brain dead.
87 people found this review helpful
Dia Nuevo
Its is a genuinely good syfy zombie show. See the word "Syfy", meaning it is going to be a goofy fun show about zombies. It is not amazing and it is no walking dead level greatness, so i dont get what people where expecting. But for a syfy show it is pretty good. Not say that syfy is bad, but this is actually one of their better shows, and it delivers where it has to to. Zombie killing, weirdness, and geeky jokes and references, cameos. And it is just different than any other zombie show, since it's sort of lighthearted, zombie smashing geeky fun show, Syfy style. Honestly if you expected something else from Syfy, then you are either crazy, or you haven't watched enough syfy programming.
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