Pamela Rodriguez
I felt that the show was awesome from the beginning and then they cancelled it. Why? No clue. I was hilarious and the cast had great chemistry. Then they resurrected the show and that's when everything changed and not for the better. Some cast members left and the show just didn't have the same likability. Its a shame. I felt like it had so much potential. I'll definitely buy the first 7 episodes.

A Google user
..2nd Season - Oh dear, definitely not good. Probably due to the complete change of premise of the show, the removal of some god characters, and finally, the addition of a couple of highly, highly irritating actors/actresses - Yes, I mean you Megan Mullally... Shame.
4 people found this review helpful

Love it. By far my favorite show from the constant one liners, and on. I know everyone hates the second season, but I love the later episodes (which google play doesn't have!!!) I agree the second season at the beginning was really tough to get through but still occasionally had it's moments.