Nick Gabe
BORING. VERY SLOW PACED. Boring characters with generic names, 4 or 5 Jons. It is a soap opera with disrespectful kids. Lana’s husband is whiny and annoying. My father is a huge Superman fan and couldn’t sit through a single episode - said it was too soap opera. Started to pick up pace with John Irons and Natalie. They were interesting, so are all but written off now. Anything interesting gets nixed immediately. Nothing but boring arguing every episode. Poor writing, slow pace. Save your money.
Aura Honeydew
Retro style Superman in the modern day with a man of Steel level powers mix for a great mix for TV. Though needs more adult tone more action less CW drama. Bitsie Tulloch as Lois Lane is just too UGLY! Making it hard to believe that both Luthor and Superman pine for a big forehead bug eyed woman with a twig bodied like her. Her importance in the title and show are also forced as Kent's reporter aspect is stripped solely for her to investigate.
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Summer Starr
I usually hate family dramas, but this is so well written, I crave more family and less superheroics. The chemistry between actors is off the charts, and special shout out to Tyler Hoechlin for an amazing Clark AND Superman as well as Bitsy Tulloch for a truly super Lois.