This show looks like a reboot of a show called Terra Nova, which came out in 2011, about a group of people who went back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. Thus far the plot is nearly identical!
Robin Schissel
I really enjoyed this show. It had lots of excitement and kept me glued to the tv. In someways it is like some of the other shows, but haven't seen one like this show. Its about people falling down a large sink hole, and not knowing where their at. The idea of this show is really cool, made me want to know what's gonna happen next. I just hope that they give it a chance. Usually when I watch new show and start to like it, then it gets cancelled. Really hope this doesn't happen with this one.
johan funes
This is a great show why because it shows excitement and you want to continue seeing. Their is mystery and action. It might have the same plots of other shows or movies but its different!!!