Lori W Bahadur
A very well-made program, loaded with talent and very few unwatchable episodes. My favorite will always be the musical and the end. That's not a bad thing. You could see where Josh Weedon wished he'd gotten to go with the movie...
5 people found this review helpful

There is an episode, a quote for every situation. I would have never survived having a chronic illness and constant hospitalizations. After a bad day, or before a rough one after a bad night, I just watch an episode (usually turns in to several episodes or seasons...); whether I have an episode in mind or just select randomly it always helps and gives me the strength and the change of point of view I need. Always remember: WWBD.
128 people found this review helpful

Elli Meyer
Vampires, Werewolves, men made out of thousands of maggots...how much better can a show be? Forget Twilight - this was the original human high school girl falls for 200 yr old vamp...but one with a soul! The relationship between Giles, the "librarian"/Buffy's Watcher (the person assigned to train the slayer), and Buffy, Willow, and Xander, is tongue in cheek fun. I own the DVDs and have probably seen each episode 7 or 8 times. PLUS, whenever it is on cable, I have to stop and watch it. Another must watch!!
53 people found this review helpful