What a sad decline in quality this show has displayed. It used to be the funniest sitcom with nonstop laughs...but now it's just a sad, boring, depressing drama. I feel a deep sense of regret for the 6hrs I've wasted watching this in desperate anticipation of a laugh. I wish I did something more entertaining with my time, such as watched my goldfish swim around aimlessly, as that would have brought me a deeper sense of joy.
A Google user
Heard a few good reviews, so came into this expecting something more than puke jokes and name dropping. (“Ur my Woz!” Oh, shut up.) There's a few amusing bits in passing (bicycle meetings!), but there's really little personality, charm, or value to speak of. Overall it's more embarrassing than enjoyable and the product placement is as blatant as it is patronising (the entire third episode is one big ad for Burger King). I'm only halfway through, but I hope it gets better because I feel dumber having watched it.
14 people found this review helpful
Ryan Tracey
This series used to be witty with an edgy mean streak, now it's just mean spirited with a few witticisms here and there. It seems the writers have finally run out of jokes.
3 people found this review helpful