Kim Garian
This is a very enjoyable special, especially for the youngsters! My only minor issue is that it's kinda like Teen Titans GO!. However, I'm letting that slide because the Half Shell Heroes franchise is a kid-friendly and younger audience addressed version of the TMNT series by Nickelodeon. And the ending was such a cliffhanger! If possible, I would LOVE to see a continuation or another HSH special!
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Yard Buoy
OK so u turned the cool,Dark,and action packed tmnt into......childish,bad voice acted animated rip offs really Nickelodeon? OMG get a life! what I noticed about this monstrosity,is that in the trailer there was a joke and Nick Jr was.......proud of it! is that ment to make laughing so hard that my mom should rub my tummy? does Nick Jr even KNOW what a joke is?! oh, and it turns out that Nick Jr will be making more...oh I can't take this anymore!! light e'm up!! *screams*
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