Kulroop Badwal
At first, I dint feel the vibe but I continued to watch , and yes it does surprises you ... how the Rose family holds up, little punch lines, alexis hand movements, David's clothes, Johnny' expressions and Moiras complicated sentences, I enjoyed it. All the characters are unique and hold the sitcom togather roland Jocelyn Patrick Ted ronnie Bob...all are very good in their parts.
Errol Anderson (Poeticscribbler)
For a Canadian comedy show there is lots of positives about it. The main characters seems to gell together. Some of the lines/jokes are almost forced but it seems to work. If there is a season two the characters could work on being NOT so rigid.
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Basia Halliop
I love the sense of humour on this show, and the attention to characters. It's sharp and sarcastic but with sweetness and depth too. The characters are hilarious while being more than just a caricature or a 'type'.