Christian Publishing House
Season 1 and 2 are GREAT! Then season 3 takes a nose dive into wokeism in the EXTREME!!!!! It is racist this, racist that, gender this, gender that, the new rooking is a lesbian special forces Rambo. Defund the police is repackaged but there. I have had to skip over so many episodes out of frustration and anger. If you are not a woke person, DO NOT BUY season 3 forward. I find it ironic that in 40+ episodes of season 1 and 2, they did not deal with one of the now plagued woke issues.

It's a decent show...but season 3 is starting to lose me. I'm not liking how season 3 trivializes the progress that has been made against racism. Sure it's still around today, but the show seems to be preaching that racism today is just as bad as it was in the past...and that just makes me shake my head in disappointment at the showrunners and their lack of respect of what people had to sacrifice in order to get to the world we have today.
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Ken R
The Rookie, with Castle's Nathan Fillion, falls into an odd niche. Not really a police drama like SWAT, and not fully a comedy (they did spend one episode destroying a bunch of police cars.) So the show may not find a loyal audience because it is not fully devoted to one purpose. I do think Richard T. Jones and the rest of the very clever casting can propel the show to success, though. It is enjoyable to watch, but may run out of good plots quickly. Can you tell I am on the fence on this one?
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