This show is exactly what this era needs, hard work, make things happen, stick up for yourself mentality. As someone who has been a victim of bullying in my youth I can say ignoring bully's doesn't make them go away and it never will. You have to make it stop. I love how this show shines light on Johnny's side of the original movie.
56 people found this review helpful

This show definitely deserves 5/5 stars. All the fight scenes look real and authentic and the story is very interesting with the main thing being the rivalry between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do. Season 3 recently came out, and boy is it good. Not to spoil too much, there's some twists in the season, maybe for some characters. Overall, this show is just plain out amazing and definitely recommend watching it.

This is such a great show, both on the entertainment side of things but also with regards to its depth; there are so many great life lessons to take away from it. It has helped me through a particularly rough time in my life. Can't say enough good things about it.