Eric Hart
Watched the first two episodes and thought it was building up to something with each new episode. It never did. The cast is a okay but could have done better with a better script. After watching season one (and liking it) I thought this season would be entertaining as well. I was wrong. By the fifth or sixth episode I wanted to quit watching it. I ended up watching the entire season. Not because it picked up. Quite the contrary. My brother and I would watch the episodes and laugh when nothing progressed.
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Steven Stermer
I was recommended this show. After watching the Pilot, which I purchased individually, I couldn't stop thinking about it... so I purchased the 2nd episode, and things unraveled from there. My interest was primarily to watch a "Neo-Noir" or a "Rual-Noir" and look for revisions on the genre, in this aspect, True Detective fit the bill. As an entertainment factor, It's a wonderful show, with great character development and contrast between the characters. Although I will admit, coming off such a ridiculously strong pilot, there were certain aspects of the show I found unrealistic and a bit far-fetched. I was excited to see how things wrapped up in the end as I knew they were not planning on returning to these characters in Season 2... the ending however was... a bit flat for my taste, very cliche. Still a wonderful show, I suppose I was just hoping something about more risky, especially considering the characters fates were sealed either way, and literally ANYTHING could have been done to them, needn't worry about genre conventions. Looking forward to Season 2.
68 people found this review helpful

Don Dufour
I am honestly at a loss how this season got so many positive reviews. episodes 1-7 kept you hanging on. Season finale absolute trash. Have you ever seen the village, or any other movie with a terrible ending? saved you 8 hours, you're welcome.
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