Connor Garvey
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Huge production values, fun to watch just for eye candy. Otherwise, this Star Trek has been a let down. This is definitely fantasy, little understanding of science. "What if"s that make scifi so amazing are also mostly absent. Instead Discovery is futuristic action drama and doesn't pull it off very well. Also, it seems like there weren't notes from anyone who watched previous Treks. I hope for a return to what we loved about Trek, a bit more science and dreams of what could be.
Phillip Miceli
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This is not only NOT STAR TREK, Its not even a good sci-fi show. Terrible writing, as expected of something involving Alex Kurtzman and the Bad Robot alumni. God awful story written by people who clearly have no idea or regard for what Star Trek really is. Terrible acting and stiff wooden main characters, The lead character, Burnham, being not only completely unlikable, but one of, if not the biggest Mary-Sue in modern Sci-fi with a matching lack of personality, Secondary characters being little more than cardboard cutouts with no personality or characteristics, complete bastardization of popular and iconic aliens (Those are NOT in any way Klingons), nearly every scene severely lacking light, and to top it all off, The biggest slap in the face to Trek Canon the franchise has ever seen. I watched 13 episodes of this abomination before I finally got angry enough to quit. This is not Star Trek. It's a poorly written, generic mess of a Sci-fi show with a Star Trek paint job. and the vast majority of the fanbase knows this, which is why it's failing faster than a Special Ed kid in honors classes. STD needs to be cancelled and stricken from canon, and Kurtzman and all the writers, fired.
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Christopher Carlson
I do like this show, but Rodenbury's vision of the future was a positive one, this show is not true to that. Bad/incompetent people inside and running the Federation is good for one show, not 2 seasons. Also, it's not really sci-fi as much as a drama, lots of romance and relationship's, again not true to his vision or the history of the show. Time travel? Spore drive making instantaneous teleportation and to an alternate dimension? It's sad, and a waste of franchise. Picard will save us.