Polaris Raven
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I found a lot to relate to regarding many of the characters of this series, though not quite to as an extreme extent of course, and it's shown me what I'd be throwing away if I just squandered my youth in some half hearted pursuit of truth. Simply put, it is very much centered on character development and the drama's involved. Story aside, all else is either bonus or complimentary content. And the story is great, full of twists and details, as well as some interesting world-building choices that reflect some concerns we have today, though it's usually more of a brush through concept exploration rather than a highly detailed realistic depiction of how it would actually work out, but I still find quite a few of them fascinating. In other words, interesting concepts, but not much fuss about the details. If you're here for the mech battles though, like I said earlier, they primarily exist as another aspect of character development, everything from physics to battle tactics thrown out the window in favor of this. I mean mechs aren't the most viable option for a realistic military in the first place (Isaac Arthur has several videos on this), but this show takes the cake. I doubt you're just here for the mech battles, but if so, your time is better spent elsewhere. That being said, if you enjoy intensely interesting character development and heart wrenching plots, this is a must watch!
42 people found this review helpful

Teflon Sage
I just finshed this and im in that dark pot of sadness. Such an amazing show now finished and kinda just lost in what to watch next. Plot was a bit lackluster but the true purpose of this show is captivated so well, how you can be set on a path by adults that tell you it's only one way but to question everything is the human nature, to not be alone is also human nature. The character development is 10/10. Zero two is top tier wifu.

Sky_Line HQ
Ok ive watched this has great story line, Awsome characters and i got almosted cryed cuz it ended 😭😭 Great Anime if u dont like plz dont hate on it.. It wont help you but 100% would Recomened to watch