Jan Fuger
I was really looking forward to this series because I like Kevin Costner but about the time the female star opens her mouth and spews forth a string of obscenities, they bout lost me. I stayed with it thinking was a one time only event but, alas, I was wrong. Needless to say, I changed to something else. Maybe the writers and producers think it's necessary because that's what people want, but I bet if they cut it out, most people wouldn't even notice it was gone. I don't talk like that.
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Susan Clamp
I am a fan of both Kevin Costner and western themed TV, but after this week's episode (#9 12/26/21) I've decided to call it quits. The Actor who plays Beth is good, but this role was been changed as to be completely unbelievable. To see her throw a coffee mug at "Daddy" then rip off her blouse to show him her scars, oh and the profanity. I live in the South and can't imagine anyone doing that. This episode was obviously thrown together by the writers of Yellowstone to fill the allotted time slot. I suspect this show will be ending soon.

Trena Welch
So very disappointed in the way they are setting this up for viewing. If I am paying for a streaming service to view your show; why would you make it so difficult to watch? I really like this show, but I think I could just walk away with all the frustration i've dealt with. there are 2 stars, not because of the show, but because of how hard it is to watch.