It's a well-crafted show, with an engaging and ongoing storyline. With some shows I feel like they don't know what to do and are making it up as they go along-- (*cough*Arrow*cough*) not so with the Flash-- to me it feels as if they had a plan with the season and wrote the episodes towards this end. It is one of the better written comic adaptations out there and I hope they keep it up. They do have their fair share of self-contained episodes (aka filler) but they are done well and are always entertaining. There are a few inconsistencies, and I'm not a fan of the crossover episodes, but I notice it does a fantastic job at holding my suspension of disbelief, considering it's about a dude who runs really fast. I find myself caring a whole lot about Joe and Barry et al; testament to how good the actors are, too. It isn't incredibly edgy (it is a CW show after all) but it does have it's dark moments (especially in season 2). Definitely a favorite of mine.
129 people found this review helpful
Zvonimir Krunes
It is incredibly important that you disregard reviews giving 4 stars or more to this series. The quality of writing and acting is far from even a 3 star rating. The series is full of awkward plot holes, universe inconsistencies, characters introduced simply to progress the plot or act as motivators for other characters and bland, uninspired dialogue between said characters. Considering these failings I hardly blame the actors for their sometimes blank performances or directors for terrible action sequences. Given these factors, 1-2 stars would be appropriate however there is an element of fun which somewhat negates the clear and pervasive flaws. If you are not a fan of the comics, see the ratings and expect an exceptional television series, you will be disappointed. Daredevil is the exceptional hero TV series. If you buy it for a diversion or a bit of fun you will be more likely to be satiated.
84 people found this review helpful
115 Effect
I was so excited when I heard that a Flash TV show was coming out because The Flash is my favourite super hero ever. I've liked him ever since grade 1 ( 2011). I loved watching storms at night from my bedroom window and then I found Barry Allen, a normal person who has been struck by lightning and turned into the fastest man alive.