Natalie Coenen
Its ok just wish they would do more for humanitarian... I remember one episode where Bruce took the girls Kylie and Kendall to the homeless shelter. I would just like to see them give back because. There's a few things in life we only get one of.. one Earth.. One Life.. So let's do as much good as we can for each other and give back.. where did the days go when people would help each other just out of the kindness of their heart it's all about Electronics. Who has the most materialistic things.
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Taylor Russell
One of the best pop cultural objects of the 2000s; a fascinating look into both the lifestyle and psychology of modern American celebrity; which may trigger deeper philosophical questions about the construction of one's own reality; and may also provide moments of meditation on what is authenticity in a pop culturedom that so eagerly celebrates twisted conversions of truth and insincere displays of the human condition. This show, and reality TV in general, is a medium which challenges conventional notions of where reality ends and fiction begins. At this point in the show's career, fiction has spawned reality, making the "wanna-be" celebrities into bonafide celebrities who turn everything they touch into literal and figurative gold. To chart the evolution of these "characters", and the true human beings who play the characters, their humanity made more obvious in each season, makes for fascinating viewing. The show and the Kardashian universe it has spawned will leave much for future cultural historians to study. Where it is fiction, it speaks the truth - about American cultural values - and where it is truth, it is labeled as "fake" by critics blind or unwilling to see its genius.
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Courtenay Brown
So I reading the reviews and noticed its nothing but men who say this is a horrible show. Men aren't into this kind if thing. And just because you watch doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. I was in the navy and us females used to watch this on lunch. I was a diesel mechanic (AS to exact). This was the one hour a day for us to feel like we had vagina's and be normal. Other than that we were hot, sweaty, dirty, tired and worked to death. Lol
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