Call Me Fitz

2010 • FX
8 reviews
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Season 3 episodes (12)

1 F#¢& City Hall
After losing the Summwerwind Lounge to a Chester Vince-led rezoning ordinance to protect the endangered speckled titmouse, Fitz realizes the only way to get his dream back on track (and beat Chester) is to join the ranks of power and run for public office. Meanwhile, Ken's retirement in Miami isn't going as planned -- his old haunts have been gentrified by the gay mafia and Ken's not going to take it lying down. Especially not with all those rump thumpers around.
2 Thirty Percent Less Pulp Fiction
Fitz's efforts to secure a nomination for city council are derailed when his identity is "accidentally" deleted from the city records. He and Larry travel to Miami to obtain Fitz's long form birth certificate from Ken, who will only help if Fitz gets him and his stolen Wurlitzer out of town. Thanks to Larry, a fresh pineapple, and an overzealous Fruit Border Agent, the journey home turns into an exercise in survival.
3 The Virgin Homo-Cide
With his campaign coffers running desperately low, Fitz tries to get in good with the old money establishment at the local country club. But no matter how much he turns up the charm, his efforts prove unsuccessful since Club President, Reginald Van Bulow has a longstanding beef with Ken. Back at Fitzpatrick Motors, Ken, desperate to regain control of his dealership, asks Josh to spy on the Ruptals.
4 The Rise and Fall of Ethnic Man
With Chester Vince firmly in control of the multicultural vote, Fitz sets out to prove that he too is a friend to the "ethnics"... by bribing them. But Fitz's attempts to buy his way into office are overshadowed by the appearance of a brand new political player in Coverton -- a superhero who goes by the name of ETHNIC MAN and whose message of friendship, harmony, and drugs he tries to co-opt. On the other side of town, Ken tries to break Meghan out of the mental hospital to sign the lease on a new dealership.
5 F#¢& the Vote
Fitz is running dead last with the female vote and Dot is determined to curb his sex-for-votes tactics when the president of the Ladies Auxiliary winds up dead. An interview with Melody Gray -- Coverton's favourite female reporter - could be just the ticket to rehabilitate Fitz' image and get him back on track - if Fitz can keep it in his pants. And if that fails, he always has Larry to fuck things up far worse than Fitz ever could. Meanwhile, Ken goes through detox at the mental hospital, revealing a psychic pain he just can't seem to shake - his ex-wife Elaine.
6 Semen-Gate
Fitz tries to win Barry over - by accidentally drinking Barry's prize-winning nanobot research during a drunken night of father-son bonding. He attempts to repair the situation by releasing a competitors AIDS monkey... only to reveal that he sucks as a parent.
7 The Totally Legitimate Death Of Meghan Fitzpatrick
With his popularity on the rise, Fitz tries to secure the sympathy vote -- and the election -- by faking Meghan's suicide and funeral, triggering a battle with Chester, who will stop at nothing to secure the sympathy vote for himself. Meanwhile, Ken uses Meghan's death to make amends with Elaine -- and to propose a new business venture.
8 Are You There God? I Need To Speak To Frank
When Fitz finds out his family is using Meghan's new "risen-from-the-dead" status to run a-donations-for cars scam, he wants in. But when his own family won't cut him in on the action, he decides to start his own church -- if people will worship the resurrected, surely they'll worship the ressurector... and vote for him. But the real miracle occurs at Fitz's darkest moment, when his mother steps up with a much needed campaign boost.
9 Teetotal Recall
Fitz discovers being a City Councilor doesn't give him any power, and changes tactics. However, seducing the Mayor into fast-tracking his re-zoning legislation gets Fitz a new drinking buddy and a new title, but still no lounge. Worried that Fitz is losing focus, Larry pushes a prohibition by-law through city council resulting in a tragic sober-driving accident that threatens to undermine the entire political system by making Fitz the acting Mayor of a police state.
10 Apoca' Smokes Now
When Mayor Fitz ushers in a world of B***J** Tuesdays and daycare sweatshops, Larry realizes that the Summerwind isn't Fitz's true dream. If it were, he would have opened it by now. At the moment, he seems more interested in putting everyone he knows in jail. Larry finds himself alone, on the run and desperate to figure out what Fitz's dream really is. Meanwhile, Josh discovers the real purpose of Operation Blackout...offing his new best buddies -- The Ruptals.
11 And Baby Makes... F***! Part 1
Larry gets Fitz thrown into jail in an ill-thought-out attempt to repair his relationship with Ken. But once he's locked up, Fitz discovers he isn't the top dog he thought he'd be. Ken is. In fact, there's only one thing standing between Fitz and survival -- control of the prison's supply of sugary cereal. Lucky for Fitz, Josh (who's gotten himself arrested to keep from killing the Ruptals) has a line on a fresh supply. Meanwhile, Meghan tries to blackmail a labouring Ali into giving her free legal advice.
12 And Baby Makes... F***! Part 2
With Ali in labour, Fitz sets out to buy the dealership back from the Ruptals before his son is born... and before his Father buys it back first. There's just one tiny problem -- money. So when Ken is kidnapped by the gay mob in search of their Wurlitzer, Fitz must choose whether to rescue him, abandon him, or use the opportunity to finance the purchase of Fitzpatrick Motors. Meanwhile, Josh saves the Ruptals by "killing" them, Ali remains undecided about her priorities, and Meghan falls into a hole.

About this show

Jason Priestley presents Entertainment One's new series, Call me Fitz. Priestley stars as Richard "Fitz" Fitzpatrick, a handsome, charismatic and slightly crazy used car dealer who pushes the boundaries of acceptable behaviour just a few steps too far. A near death experience for Fitz coincides with the arrival of Larry, a do-gooder with a heart of gold bent on helping him change his ways. Can Larry change Fitz? More importantly: do we really want him to?

Ratings and reviews

8 reviews
Jenn Watson
June 6, 2020
Why is every other season available to purchase but not season 1?
Julie Tschuna
July 29, 2017
Off ggggg
Sallymay Brasher
August 23, 2016