Boy Meets World

1993 โ€ข ABC
2.39K reviews
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Season 1 episodes (22)

1 Pilot (Boy Meets World)
Love is a many confusing thing for 11-year-old Cory Matthews.
2 On the Fence
Cory paints shutters to repay his father.
3 Father Knows Less
Cory fails a test at school after staying up late with his dad.
4 Cory's Alternative Friends
Cory is teamed with an unpopular girl for a school project.
5 Killer Bee
Cory schemes to enter a contest so he can win a coveted baseball prize.
6 Boys II Mensa
Cory cheats on an intelligence test.
7 Grandma Was a Rolling Stone
Cory learns a lesson in grandmotherly love.
8 Teacher's Bet
Cory learns that teaching isn't as easy as 1-2-3.
9 Class Preunion
Mr. Feeny fouls up Cory's dream to become a professional baseball player.
10 Santa's Little Helper
Cory discovers that the spirit of giving is more important than presents.
11 The Father/Son Game
Cory and Eric lie to get out of a father-son baseball game.
12 Once in Love With Amy
Cory and Eric discover that Amy has been lying about her whereabouts.
13 She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Eric talks to Cory's class about the future they have to look forward to.
14 The B-Team of Life
A frustrated Cory scores a bench position on the school basketball team.
15 Model Family
Cory is assigned to act as the father of a modern family.
16 Risky Business
Cory and Shawn risk money on a horse race.
17 The Fugitive
Shawn breaks the law and Cory helps him.
18 It's a Wonderful Night
Amy and Alan go out for the evening.
19 Kid Gloves
Cory receives a necklace for his birthday, and then loses it.
20 The Play's the Thing
Cory is given the lead role in the school play.
21 Boy Meets Girl
Shawn starts showing an interest in girls and Cory feels abandoned.
22 I Dream of Feeny
Cory thinks he has a super-power when Mr. Feeny falls ill.

About this show

Cory is your average guy. He has a best friend from the other side of the tracks, a teacher that constantly keeps him on his toes, and a friend named Topanga who has trouble understanding. With the support of his parents and his brother Eric, Cory learns to cope with the roller coaster called growing up.

Ratings and reviews

2.39K reviews
Jim Verarde
August 21, 2014
this is the show that every 20 something today growing up watching in the 90s... it is the perfect coming of age story following a boy named Corey Matthews and his group of friends and family throughout life s challenges... uplifting tearjerker laugh out loud good old fashioned family series... they don't quite make them like they used to... oh weight have you seen the sequel series Girl Meets World
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Katie Marshall
August 2, 2015
The start of the spin off "Girl meets World" finally pushed me to buy the series "Boy meets World". My curious daughter loves Riley and Maya. And has been getting to know Corey and Topanga and the gang now too. Which is a great compliment for me and my husband. And a relief. There a so few good kids shows anymore. And this was one of best, and its spin off isn't doing too bad either. I can only hope that my daughter can take some of the lessons taught in both shows, and apply them herself like we did. :-)
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Matthew Castro
August 3, 2014
Thus us my all time favorite show! My other favorite show it's breaking bad, but if I were going to be stuck on an island fur the rest of my life I would choose this over that or any other show hands down. I've seen every episode so many times and I still laugh my head off... I wish it were cheaper on google play though. I bought ask seasons on DVD for $50 on Amazon...
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