In the wealthy, seaside community of Neptune, the rich and powerful make the rules. They own the town and the high school, and they desperately try to keep their dirty little secrets just that...secret. Unfortunately for them, there's Veronica Mars (series star KRISTEN BELL), a smart, fearless 17-year-old apprentice private investigator dedicated to solving the town's toughest mysteries. Veronica actually used to be one of the popular girls, walking the halls of Neptune High with the rest of the "beautiful people." But it all came crumbling down around her after her best friend, Lilly, was murdered, and her then sheriff father, Keith (series star ENRICO COLANTONI), was removed from office for naming Lilly's billionaire father, Jake Kane, as the lead suspect. After Jake was exonerated, the scandal cost Keith his job, his home and his wife, and Veronica was ostracized by her friends, including her boyfriend, Duncan (series star TEDDY DUNN), Lilly's brother.