My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

2010 • Discovery Family
9.91K reviews
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Season 6, Volume 2 episodes (13)

14 The Cart Before The Ponies
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are excited for the chance to race in the annual Applewood Derby - until their teammates Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash take over the competition.
15 28 Pranks Later
When Rainbow Dash's pranking gets out of hand, everypony decides to give her a taste of her own medicine - zom-pony style!
16 The Times They Are A Changeling
Spike travels with Twilight and Sunburst back to the Crystal Empire to visit Flurry Heart, only to discover that the entire Empire is in a panic due to the reported presence of Changling spy.
17 Dungeons And Discords
When the Mane 6 leave town, Discord decides to join Spike and Big Mac's "top secret" Guys' Night. Much to Discord's dismay, it turns out to be an evening of fantasy role-playing.
18 Buckball Season
Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy surprise everyone when they turn out to be Ponyville's best Buckball players, so Applejack and Rainbow Dash agree to coach them against Appleoosa. But when the pressure's on, and the fun goes out of the game, Ponyville's newest star athletes lose their competitive edge - and it looks like they're about to lose the biggest Buckball game in history!
19 The Fault In Our Cutie Marks
The Crusaders encounter a problem that might be impossible for them to solve when an enthusiastic young griffin asks them to help her get a Cutie Mark of her own.
20 Viva Las Pegasus
The Map sends Applejack and Fluttershy to Las Pegasus where they find Film and Flam working in a resort called Gladmane's, where suspicious dealings are going on.
21 Every Little Thing She Does
Starlight Glimmer is excelling at her magical studies with Twilight Sparkle, but she has been avoiding her friendship lessons. Feeling pressure to impress her teacher, Starlight attempts to tackle several friendship problems at once, with questionable results.
22 P.P.O.V (Pony Point Of View)
When Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie all return from a boat trip angry at each other, Twilight, after hearing three very different versions of the events, must discern the truth to save their friendships.
23 Where The Apple Lies
When Apple Bloom tells a white lie to make cover up a mistake, Applejack shares the embarrassing story of how she came to value honesty after telling a series of lies that almost destroyed the farm and landed the whole Apple family in the hospital.
24 Top Bolt
Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are sent to the Wonderbolt Academy to help two friends, Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger, solve a friendship problem that would keep them from getting into the Academy.
25 To Where And Back Again - Part 1
Without the help of Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer assembles an unlikely team of heroes to defend Equestria from the return of one of its greatest threats.
26 To Where And Back Again - Part 2
To rescue her friends and save Equestria, Starlight Glimmer leads an unlikely squad of rescuers against one of the ponies' oldest and greatest foes.

About this show

In the magical land of Equestria, a kingdom populated only by colorful ponies, TWILIGHT SPARKLE, a studious and slightly reclusive young unicorn intent only on enhancing her magical abilities, has been assigned by her mentor, PRINCESS CELESTIA, a very important task: get your muzzle out of those books and make some friends! In the quaint, fairytale village of PONYVILLE, TWILIGHT SPARKLE meets 5 new ponies, and through funny, offbeat experiences and exciting, enchanted adventures, they teach her about the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!

Note: Seasons are split into two volumes and are priced accordingly.

Ratings and reviews

9.91K reviews
Shanley McCray
May 9, 2022
Gran espectáculo, se lo puedo recomendar a cualquier aficionado a la animación. Puedo llamar a este espectáculo nada menos que alegría y felicidad concentradas. Nunca en mi vida hubiera pensado que un espectáculo sobre ponis parlantes de colores pastel sería tan encantador o me cautivaría tanto, pero estoy muy contenta de que así sea. Faust y su equipo trabajaron con mucha magia mientras hacían este espectáculo, y ha traído alegría a muchos y ha creado un fandom que es una fuerza del bien en el mundo. Honestamente puedo decir que casi todo el mundo debería al menos ver algunos episodios, ya que cuando vi esto por primera vez no podía comprender cómo era tan popular. Después de ver varios episodios, me reía, cantaba junto con la música y, en general, me divertía mirando.
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Wes Hadden
April 4, 2015
I rarely watch TV there a few tv show I watch brba, sons, bates motel, and my name is earl. And really don't watch cartoons that much either but this show is amazing. I watched it at least 8 times. It's that good. Really intelligent writing, animation is probably the best. Just waiting for season 5 to be put up on the Google play store. If I'm in a bad mood. I could just come to watch an episode or two and it'll make me a whole lot better. Every time I watch an episode, it just put a smile on my face. Never really watch mlp before fim, I thought it was a "little girls show." Fim is not a little girls show, because there are a bunch a references that the older audience can get. The songs are amazing as well. My favorite song is a true, true friend. I can go on and on and on about how much I love this show. This show isn't just for kids it's for the whole family. I have a t shirt. A rainbow dash figure (best pony), and equestria girls rainbow rocks on bluray. Whatever you're doing right now, go watch this amazing show. All of the seasons are on netflix and the movies. So if you have time go watch it now. /)
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January 7, 2013
This show is a media embodiment of a fat, ugly, unattractive woman giving birth to a little girl that grew up to be the hottest chick on the planet. Horrible franchise, excellent show. Back in the day, MLP was awful. It was cheap, stupid, cardboard, pointless, ugly, horrible trite. Everyone here can agree with me on that. This iteration of MLP was made in 2010, and words cannot describe its quality by comparison. It is LEAGUES better than its predecessors, with smooth and believable animation, very deep and interesting characters, a well-structured plot, grade-A voice acting and a fully-orchestrated musical score by Daniel Ingram. This generation of MLP has an enormous fandom of TEENAGE BOYS. Yeah. It's THAT good. They made this show so well, DUDES watch it. And it came out of a franchise for little girls. If that doesn't describe how high-quality this show is, I don't know what will. If you like Disney, you should check this out, regardless of your age or gender. This show has the kind of beautiful, honest effort that we all see in Disney productions.
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