Cord Byrum
Would love to show someone how to see a Bigfoot! You have to be smarter than them. They have been in hiding for so long they are practically experts at it. Your gonna have to sit in one place don't move and wait for one to cross your path. I guess you can do it like deer hunting. Have to know the Bigfoot then find a path they take regular. Put your tree stand up or set up your blind and just wait. Still use yalls calls and your board knocks but you can't constantly be walking thru the woods cause your in there house. And just like you or me were going to know if someone is in my house. Unless there hiding and very quit. So if y'all ever need a hand holler at me.
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Vanessa Hines
I love the show it cracks me up at times but I don’t know how you handle your Miss Sceptic calling all your witnesses liars. If I was a a witness n she called me a liar I don’t know why they don’t say “well you weren’t there so how can you call me a liar”.Especially when there’s more then one witness.Dont know how you put up with her.

Carey Lefebvre
Ater watching countless hours I've come to realize my father was right afterall; I am a gullible fool. As a want-to-believer I crave empirical evidence of Bigfoot. This show actually helps support the notion of Bigfoot NOT being real. Every episode begins with some new elaborate idea to stake out a dark forest where the locals had recently had encounters. Yet not once do they capture one shred of evidence. Always let down and the personalities are horrible. Don't watch this show!
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