Derek Kingsland
Thirteen episodes is somehow too many. plot lines are drawn out at least half a season. Stupid plot points wouldn't even be there or would be resolved so quickly if it were real life. Everything drags on and on- jack not being cared for by linden, her not deciding to leave seattle, if Ahmed is the killer etc, who the killer ended up being was a strong point but by the time I had gotten there, I no longer cared

Gary Nichols
I was glued to my chair through each and every episode of every season. The acting is tense, honest, and in places quite dark. I walked away from season 4 hungry for more, and was quite depressed that nobody picked up this amazing show. Make no mistake, this show is slow at times, but so full of material and emotion that you'll come away feeling connected to our protagonists in a way that is rarely found in today's television dramas.
15 people found this review helpful

Jared Schwartz
There are a lot of cop/murder mysteries on TV, but I have to say that this is the best I have seen so far. The fact that it revolves around less fortunate teenagers is cool. Oh and for all you people who are wondering why you are giving your credit card #'s: the free episodes are on a discount right now, but they will cost money if you choose to buy them in the future.
31 people found this review helpful