Sean S
My bff says "excellent story telling, she's right." To add I say, it's delightfully organic these are all beautiful human beings. Any confrontation between them has come from a real place of pain. When confronted, their willingness to keep the friendship makes them dive deeper and come to a place of real healing. By doing so, they have all grown and they are wonderful people wonderful men. I love them all.
Who wouldn't want to see the most Impressive Real Estate in NYC. It's a Win Win every week! I enjoy seeing what the Agents/Broker's are up against week by week, on TV. I can only imagine how hard these guys and girls are working off camera day to day too.
16 people found this review helpful
Teresa Cooper Ullery
i am a very successful middle aged woman with two very successful educated daughters. understand stand we only ever had each other. i divorced early 1980's. I did every good by them . Early 90's with a strong small town life and pure country. I managed to support my family well. I gave my daughter's a family and lifestyle of tradition and family values. giving them. self value and wroth. i taught them that working 2, 3 and even the understanding that a talent for finding a way