B-Daman Crossfire, known in Japan as Cross Fight B-Daman, is the first B-Daman anime of the Cross Fight series and the seventh B-Daman anime series, overall. Premiering on October 2, 2011 in Japan, it became the first B-Daman anime to air in almost five years, and first to be produced in 16:9 widescreen, following the finale of Crash B-Daman on December 25, 2006. Its last episode, Conclusion! Cross Fight's New Era aired on September 30, 2012 in Japan. A sequel series, B-Daman Fireblast, premiered the following week.
On June 8, 2013, it was announced that B-Daman Crossfire would air on Disney XD Malaysia.
It was scheduled for a tentative release across global markets outside of Asia in September 2013. Starting August 17, 2013, English dubbed episodes of B-Daman Crossfire started airing on The CW's Saturday morning block, Vortexx. The series later began airing in Canada on YTV on September 7, 2013, subsequently premiering on YTV's sister channel, Nickelodeon on October 18, 2013.
The anime currently reruns on Primo TV.