Lilo Starr
This is a show about a bunch of morons mucking about in a place they shouldn't be. You'd think after 75 years, one of them would have thought to familiarize themselves with the tides, since they insist on messing about on the beach for no good reason. Hunting bears at night and not keeping track of the time is two things a grade schooler would have known not to do. I'm sure real Alaskans cringe at this phony show. The producers could have found some genuine Frontiersmen to showcase.
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Dianne Warner
I boycott this entire station forever. WHY would you highlight and enable perverse idiots as they hunt a wild goat herd: a group of wild animals harming no one, struggling to survive and procreate in their natural environment? Sick jerk. My God, I’ve never seen such uneducated, wasteful, brutal people — EVER. Are YOU native people in need of food? No. You are useless stupid boring idiots. Sick! Go get a bucket of Kentucky Fried and stuff your fat cheeks for $4.99. Screw you and your high powered rifles. I detest you.

Van Mauzy
I like the show overall & the characters too (for the most part), but some frustration w/the overconfidence(overstated) displayed by a few of the players. I.E.-Shooting abilities are sorely lacking w/the "younger" members, as demonstrated by the failure of "one shot" kills and the rifle scope in the eye episode. Also way too many close calls w/machinery for "EXPERIENCED" operators. Hunter&Ex.SeaBee
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