Miffy and Friends

2004 • Nick Jr.
19 reviews
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Miffy and Friends: Family Celebration episodes (4)

1 Little Bunny
It is springtime and everywhere things are growing. On Mother’s Day, Miffy’s mother also has a surprise. She tells Miffy a baby bunny will be born soon. Miffy is very excited and can’t wait to see the baby. She counts the days and goes around to tell the news. The day before Father’s Day she stays over with her grand parents and helps her grandfather paint the new baby bed and she makes a beautiful present for her father. When she arrives home the next day Mother Bunny has a wonderful surprise! Miffy is very proud to be a big sister and Father Bunny has a very special Father’s Day...
2 Miffy's Birthday
It is almost summertime and soon it will be Miffy’s birthday. She is very excited and goes around inviting her friends to a party. On her birthday she gets a book about the moon and the stars and her birthday is celebrated at school. Then Miffy goes camping in the hills with her family and friends. As a surprise her uncle arrives in his airplane and brings Miffy a telescope. Miffy can barely stay awake and when Miffy finally looks through the telescope to see the stars, she sees a shooting star from real close and wishes everyday could be her birthday...
3 Miffy Goes to the Zoo
Mother Bunny reads in the newspaper that a baby zebra is born in the zoo. Miffy and her friends are very excited to go to the zoo and imitate the animals of the zoo with their cuddly toys. Miffy’s father takes Miffy and her friends to the zoo by train. In the zoo they see parrots, penguins, a lion and many more. After they have seen the baby zebra, Grunty gets lost. But with help of the giraffes she finds Miffy again. Before they finish their great day a naughty monkey has a surprise in store...
4 Miffy's Happy New Year
It is wintertime and the last day of school before the holidays. Miffy and Melanie make invitations for a New Years party and fix them to balloons. On their way home Melanie falls of her scooter and the invitations are lost and fly away into the air. Miffy and Melanie are sad because they think no one will come to their party now. Luckily one by one their friends find the invitations and they have a great New Year’s party after all...

About this show

Miffy and Friends takes preschoolers along on adventures, exploring basic concepts and themes including numbers, colors, seasons, nature, friendship, family celebrations and exotic locations.

Ratings and reviews

19 reviews
cheesyguyforkids Medieval
August 14, 2015
My 10 year old bro watched this as a kid
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Sassy Fraz
July 20, 2024
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A Google user
March 13, 2019
wow that S COOL
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