deborah elliott
Josh Duggar admitted to being a pedophile. He has been found guilty of possession of child pornography in Arkansas and will be sentenced in 2022. The Duggar family does not want to deal with this, the "elephant in the living room." Talk about denial, so much for Duggar family values. No thanks.

Timothy West
I would like to see a new season of conuting on for a new season season 12 of conuting on back on the Air for for all the fans of the TV show on tlc new net work your number fan Timmy of the show back on the Air for the for the fans of the year number one fan Timmy of the of the show back on the Air on TLC network 💖

Marcelina Meler
This show is very encouraging and inspiring to me, and I really liked to watch it because I felt like I kind of got "caught up" with the reality of Jessa's and Jill's lives. I like how on this show, they seem more open and honest about the difficult rough struggle that they have been going through, and I really appreciate that they are doing this, because they can help someone else with their testimony. Thank you for putting this show on, Google, and if you are a fan of the Duggars, or just curious, I would definitively go ahead and watch this!
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