Tiffany LeRoux
Do you HAVE to have some sort of sexual joke every 2-3 lines!?!? I turn the channel because I cannot stand it. Put old shows on like Andy Griffith, Bonanza, The Rifleman, I Love Lucy, etc.. ppl really want the good, wholesome shows that is safe for their 5 year old to walk in on, not some sexually laced trash that even they want to cover their ears to/turn the station. I thought ratings were about getting people to watch shows and want to watch them.
154 people found this review helpful

Charles Wright
This show does a great service by providing writers with special needs a job other than greeting at Walmart. They actually get paid to write this show while contributing nothing to society. The only person I feel bad for is Garrett Morris. Can't they find him a show his kidz can be proud of?
31 people found this review helpful