Fraggle Rock

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Season 4 episodes (24)

0 Season 4, Episode 1: Sidebottom Blues
When Boober shows Wembley all of his ointments and medicines, Wembley thinks Boober doesn't have enough fun, and invites him to the garden to play Follow the Leader with the rest of their friends. First Boober accepts, but then he overhears Gobo talking about Boober being a big goof (when really, Gobo's referring to Junior), he gets upset and very hurt, and decides to let Sidebottom out and turns into "Dr. Fun." The other Fraggles worry that Boober's going too far, but when Boober hypnotizes Junior into thinking he's a Fraggle, the fun begins. Then Wembley starts to have an allergic reaction to the Bonkleberry stew, and the situation becomes problematic, and it's time for Dr. Fun to step aside before it's too late.
2 Uncle Matt's Discovery
Uncle Matt's coming back home again, and this time when he shows up, he hides under the party table in Gobo's room to avoid what he calls "Face Erasers." Red mocks Matt's cowardice. Gobo then gets upset that Matt would not admit his fear, so Matt goes exploring by himself. When Wembley convinces Gobo to go after him, they find a scary wooden statue of a Fraggle. When Matt accidentally hits it, they both fall through the floor and happen upon a whole new cavern with dozens of tunnels. And when you hit the arch to the tunnel, you get sucked into another region of "Outer Space", thus providing new places for Gobo and Uncle Matt to explore.
3 Junior Faces The Music
Tonight is the night of the Blue Moon, and when Junior Gorg notices this, he begs Pa to let him play the Royal Kazoo to prove that he'll be a great, worthy king. But the moon needs to be full, and one also needs five Fraggle witnesses. But when Pa dismisses the idea in fear of Junior being banished, Junior feels like he'll never be much of anything. Then, when Cantus the Minstrel shows up (as a shadowy figure), he convinces Junior that he needs to believe in himself and that he can do anything he wants to. Cantus makes Junior promise to play the Royal Kazoo, and then Cantus goes to get the five Fraggle witnesses; Gobo, Mokey, Red, Wembley and Boober. Once they show up, it's time for Junior to prove what kind of king he'll be. And Bob Stuut performed Boober in this episode while his performer does the voice.
4 The Perfect Blue Rollie
One day as Wembley and Boober are going down by Roaring Rivene, they come upon a huge collection of colorful smoothies and rollies, the greatest gift you can give to a Fraggle. But then, something even more amazing happens; Wembley spots the Perfect Blue Rollie, the rarest pebble in the universe. He gives it to Boober in the spirit of giving. But Boober becomes selfish with the rollie and puts it in his Hidey Hole, a cave where Boober keeps all of his stuff. When Gobo, Red and Mokey see it, they do their best to get Boober to bring it to the Great Hall and have a party. Boober becomes even more selfish, kicks his friends out, and spends his time protecting the rollie from being stolen. But when Wembley unsuccessfully sneaks in as a ball of laundry lint to steal it back, a cave-in occurs, leaving Boober inside. It's up to his friends to save him before Boober becomes trapped forever, with all his 'stuff.'
5 A Tune For Two
It's time for the Duet-athon! Wembley's supposed to be paired up with Gobo, but when Matt comes back home for another visit, Gobo gets paired up with his uncle instead. Then Wembley tries to get Boober to join him, but when Tosh Fraggle comes along, Boober just can't resist doing a song with his crush. Wembley becomes sad, and thinks no one wants to be with him in the Duet-athon. While Wembley's crying, Cotterpin Doozer comes along and tries to cheer him up, saying she'll be in the competition with him. When Wembley then goes to Gillis Fraggle to sign her up as his partner, Gillis rudely tells him Doozers are not allowed in the contest. Wembley goes back and delivers the bad news to Cotterpin, saying she can't be in it with him. She gets mad and leaves, prompting Wembley to stand up to Gillis, telling him that just because the Duet-athon has always been just for Fraggles, it doesn't make it right. He starts up a protest rally, and before long, all the Fraggles say that if Cotterpin isn't allowed to join, they'll all drop out, leaving Gillis no choice but to do the right thing... leading to the greatest Duet-athon ever.
6 A Brush With Jealousy
Mokey's well-known for being a terrific painter, but when Red takes down one of her paintings and puts up one of Pedley Fraggles' (another great painter), she sets out to show everyone how much better of a painter she is. When she goes to the Trash Heap for a paintbrush, Marjorie gives her a magical paintbrush that, when used for the wrong reasons, takes control of the Fraggle using it. Mokey doesn't consider herself the jealous type, but she's proven wrong when she tries to out-paint Pedley and she can't seem to let go of the brush. Mokey needs to find a way to get the brush to quit controlling her, and realize why she loved painting in the first place.
7 Wembley's Flight
When Wembley rescues a Spider Fly from a Snare Blossom, the fly turns into a strange old creature that will grant Wembley any wish he wants to for setting him free. Wembley decides he wants to fly, so the creature gives him the ability, but Wembley's only allowed to fly three times. He uses his first time up almost immediately, but then he goes to find his friends to show them his new ability. Wembley's story isn't quite believable to his friends, which upsets Wembley because everyone else gets to show off what they're good at. He decides he's going to fly for the Fraggles who will believe him... so he seeks out Feeny, Marlon, and Large Marvin to show them his flying abilities. But Gobo, Mokey and Red stop him from doing so because they believe he'll just hurt himself. Finally, he decides that showing off for his friends isn't what he wanted the flying abilities for; he wanted to fly just to fly.
8 Wonder Mountain
Mokey wants to go all the way up to Wonder Mountain to see the Aurora Fragglialis, which only occurs once every 1000 days. But Red's worried about Mokey going alone, and even though she promised Mokey she trusted her enough to go by herself, Red decides to leave the duties of plant-sitting Lanford to Gobo, Boober and Wembley to watch over Mokey so nothing bad happens. The only problem is, Red falls victim to almost everything, while the dreamy Mokey just keeps going on. She gets torn up through some rough brush, falls off the Invisible Bridge, and almost gets enchanted by the Singing Cactus, when Mokey spots her and saves her. When asked why she decided to come along, Red says she wants to see the Aurora Fragglialis too. But later on, as they go past where the Avalanche Monster lives, he wakes up, and chases down the two girls. It's up to Mokey and Red to work together to get the Rock Monster off their tails in order to go and experience the Aurora Fragglialis before it's too late.
9 Red's Blue Dragon
Red's been playing "Princess Gwenelot and the Evil Dragon" lately, and when Gobo tells her she needs to grow up and stop playing make-believe, she happens upon the T. Matthew Fraggle Room, the cavern with the dozens of tunnels that lead to different places in "Outer Space." But when she accidentally spots a huge, blue dragon, it gets lost in Fraggle Rock. She tries to convince Gobo and Uncle Matt about the dragon, but they just think she's played make-believe too much, so it's up to Red to make things right.
10 Space Frog Follies
Gobo's getting ready to have a surprise party for himself, but when Uncle Matt shows up and says he can't come to the party, Gobo gets upset. Meanwhile, Matt takes Wembley aside and shows him the present he got for Gobo; a space frog. Matt then tells him that he wants Wembley to watch over it until he gets back from "Outer Space" so he can collect flies for the frog to eat. So it's up to Wembley to keep the space frog a secret until Matt gets back, but he has a hard time doing so. But is keeping the space frog in a jar, as a pet, for the rest of his life really the best thing for him? It's up to Wembley to decide what's best for the space frog, even if it means upsetting his buddy.
11 Boober Gorg
Boober's well-known for cooking excellent recipes with radishes, and one day while creating another famous dish, the pot explodes, and the radish falls on Boober's head, giving him amnesia, and it's up to his friends to find a cure. When Boober has a sudden strike of familiarization with radishes, Gobo takes him to the Gorg's Garden, hoping that seeing the Gorgs will scare him back to normal. Meanwhile, in the garden, Pa's been reading "The Book of Gorgish Myth & Wisdom", and according to the book, this is the day an evil sorcerer is supposed to appear. And when Junior seems to be missing, Pa and Ma think the sorcerer's done something terrible to him. And when Boober sees the Gorgs, he has an identity crisis, and thinks he's a Gorg too. Pa and Ma think that the sorcerer turned Junior into a Fraggle, so they have to teach him all over again. Gobo finds Boober and tries once again to tell him he's a Fraggle, but Boober doesn't believe him. So Gobo goes back to Mokey, Red and Wembley and prepares a plan to get Boober back to Fraggle Rock. But Boober, still thinking he's a Gorg, overhears this and gets Ma and Pa to help him catch the Fraggles. Once they're all caught, the Gorgs leave it up to Boober to decide their fate. Will Boober finally snap out of it before his friends get thumped?
12 Mirror, Mirror
Red Fraggle's been having a lot of parties lately, and today will be her 28th 'birthday' since the Festival of the Bells. But when the other four seem uninterested in celebrating with her again, she goes off by herself, and runs into Cotterpin Doozer, who left her job of stirring glue to celebrate with Red. As the girls are singing, they come upon a magical mirror, named Mavis, who can sing, whistle, yodel, gurgle, and see the future. She tells Red that she sees, in the future, Red will have a party that she'll never forget. Cotterpin leaves after getting tired of Mavis calling her a 'bug,' but Red keeps pushing Mavis until they arrive to the hole that leads into the Gorg's castle. In the castle, Pa and Junior are going honk-fishing, leaving Ma alone on her birthday. Ma becomes really sad, but when she hears yodelling coming from the hole in the wall, she picks up Mavis, and they have a chat. Red gets angry that the Gorg stole her new friend away, so she goes inside to save her. Once Red arrives, Mavis tries to convince Ma and Red to have the party together. Red goes along with it, only so she can get Mavis out of there. Her plan goes wrong when Mavis falls off the table and breaks, leaving Ma furious. Now, Red has to find some way to put Mavis back together, and Cotterpin just may be the Doozer to help.
13 The Riddle Of Rhyming Rock
Gobo wants to solve the Riddle of Rhyming Rock, and he's been rehearsing for quite some time. According to Rhyming Rock's caretaker Herkimer Fraggle, each Fraggle only gets three chances in a lifetime, and when Gobo uses his first two and fails, he goes to the Storyteller to find out how to solve it. She then tells him that Uncle Matt, when he was really young, uncovered a book that could solve all riddles (The riddle goes, "Mumba Gumba, Dinky-Doo. Pants for me. Answer YOU!) But, when he finds out that the spell doesn't work, Wembley becomes stuck underneath a rockslide. Now Gobo needs to find a way to get his friend out and get Rhyming Rock again. And if he makes that happen, he just might be the first Fraggle in history to crack the riddle.
14 The Voice Inside
Gobo's wanting to take his friends to Grey Rock Ridge and explore, but when everybody backs out- including Wembley, who's having a rock dust allergy attack- Gobo goes by himself. Wembley tries to tell him that, maybe this is a sign to not go at all. Gobo thinks his friend's just being silly and takes off alone. Meanwhile, Cotterpin's telling her friends Hammerhead and Wrench about Gobo and how brave he is, and how he always goes on adventures. Wrench wanders off, he runs into Sprocket, who's made his way back into Fraggle Rock to find Gobo. and when the three meet, they all go to Grey Rock Ridge together. But before they get there, they come across a rock windstorm. Was Wembley right when he told Gobo not to go in the first place?
15 The Trial Of Cotterpin Doozer
It's another great day in Fraggle Rock, and today, Red's helping Cotterpin make her plans for a new bridge when suddenly, the Fraggle Horn is blown and Red must take off for the meeting. Not far from where Cotterpin is, there's a Doozer named Tumbrell who's not a big fan of Cotterpin and sees that she's breaking a violation: consorting with Fraggles. Meanwhile in the Great Hall, Mokey tells everyone she spotted a Poison Cackler's nest, so Gobo gets everyone to go with him to the Lesser Galleries on a small vacation. But when Large Marvin and Feenie don't make it to when the Fraggles all take off, they're left behind. Cotterpin's being put on trial for telling Red of her building plans. She's given a chance to prove that Fraggles are noble and intelligent creatures, so she tries to find her friends, but the only Fraggles she comes across are the only two left in the Rock... Large Marvin and Feenie, two of the dumbest Fraggles alive. The Doozers aren't convinced that these two are worthy, but when a Baby Poison Cackler appears and captures Cotterpin, Feenie and Large Marvin must work together to save her and all the Doozers.
16 The River Of Life
When Doc comes into the workshop, he has a surprising look on his face, and then tells Sprocket that he just met a man on the street who could make him $100,000 richer; all Doc has to do is allow the man to dump industrial waste into the limestone caves below the shop. When Sprocket hears this, he wants Doc to not take the deal, because there's furry creatures who live down there. Meanwhile, Boober doesn't feel like going for a swim today when a heat wave strikes Fraggle Rock. Instead, he wants to do some 'anting' (watching ants). But when he smells something terrible in the water, he tries to go and stop his friends from swimming before they get contaminated. But it's too late, and all the Fraggles except Boober fall terribly ill. Boober then goes up to the Trash Heap and tells her the news. Marjorie then tells him that "if there's a problem in the river of life, it gets past into everybody's surface." She then tells him that he needs to go to "Outer Space." The Gorgs' water has been poisoned too when Ma and Pa Gorg return from the stream where they have been wading and when they think it's the Fraggle's fault, Boober tells them that it's the Silly Creatures from "Outer Space." Pa Gorg then assigns Boober to go there and straighten things out. But Boober's feeling incredibly helpless, and has no idea how to get the Silly Creatures to stop contaminating the water. Will Boober finally go to "Outer Space" alone and save everyone? Or will Doc take the money?
17 Beyond The Pond
When Red and Gobo are getting ready to have a swim meet, the contest gets cut short when the Knobblies- thick, pink vines- come to the surface of the pond, leaving almost no room to swim. Boober brings some Kolerabi juice by for his friends to drink, but nobody likes it. But when Red dumps the juice on the vines, the vines shrink and die, giving more room in the pond. Boober then rushes back to make more so the swim race can still go on. When Red grabs one of the vines, they give her a vision, with weird creatures saying, "Follow the roots." Red then dives into the very bottom of the pond to find out where the message is coming from, and discovers that the vines are roots to a huge, underwater tree. When Red gets to the top of the tree, she finds five Merggles (mermaid Fraggles); Merboo, Merkey, Mermer, Merple, and Mervin. They are delighted that their message to Red worked, since they're now able to communicate with another species besides themselves. Meanwhile, back at the pond, Boober's Kolerabi juice is being dumped by the bucketload onto the Knobblies, and while Red's celebrating with the Merggles, the branches start dying, and they can't figure out why. Red then tells them of Boober's juice, and they lock Red in a cage, then swim far away before they die. But when Gobo grabs one of the vines up by the pond, he receives a vision to "Stop pouring the Kolerabi juice", and "Follow the Knobblies", which he does. It's up to Gobo to go find and rescue her before the tree dies and the Merggles leave forever.
18 Gone, But Not Forgotten
Wembley's really excited today, because today is going to be his first solo, overnight hike. But while on the way, he becomes trapped in a rockslide, and when he wakes up, he's being comforted by Mudwell the Mudbunny- the rarest creature in the Rock. Mudwell and Wembley have such a wonderful time together, and seem to be great friends. But when Wembley wakes up from his nap later on, Mudwell tells him, rudely, to leave and never come back again. When Wembley returns, he's upset, and the other four make him share his story about Mudwell. Gobo tells him that maybe he should go back and have Mudwell explain, so Wembley goes back, just as Mudwell is lying by a mud puddle. He tells Wembley that he'd like to be friends, but it's time for him to leave. After Mudwell becomes quiet, Wembley realizes that the Mudbunny has died. When Wembley sees his four friends again, he's really sad, so all four of them- and The World's Oldest Fraggle- try to cheer him up but fail. Finally Gobo tells him that, even though Mudwell's gone, there's ways of keeping part of him alive. So Wembley gets an idea, and goes back to where Mudwell died, only to discover something truly unique about Mudbunnies.
19 Mokey Then And Now
When Mokey, Wembley, and Boober are rehearsing their lines for the show their putting on later in the day, they come across The Sacred Cavern, where they see an ancient drawing of a Fraggle. While doing a chant, without knowing what would happen, the three Fraggles get transported back in time where Fraggles had leaders, they were bald, and they were far too serious. Luckily, Mokey, Boober and Wembley are wearing caps, so these Fraggles don't see that the Fraggles from the future aren't bald. When the leader, Fishface, asks who they are, Mokey claims to be their Blundig, their ancient leader who was destined to return. But when the tribe of Fraggles see they're lying, they lock the three up in a place that looks a LOT like Gobo and Wembley's room. And now, it's up to Mokey to find a way to change these Fraggles for the better, and get home before something terrible happens.
20 Ring Around The Rock
Ma and Pa Gorg are having their 513th wedding anniversary and are going to renew their vows. Pa asks Junior to hold onto the wedding ring. When Junior puts on the ring, he decides it is too small, so when he struggles to get it off, he flings it across the garden into a tiny hole, where Gobo just happens to be exploring. The ring falls on Gobo's head, and Gobo rushes the ring back home and gives it to Wembley. After he does that, Gobo goes back to wait for other objects to appear. But Junior's digging a hole where it fell, and when he sees Gobo, he picks him up, and begs him to bring the ring back. But it's going to be hard, because the ring just seems to be getting passed along to everybody. Will Ma and Pa have to call off the wedding? Or will Junior have to find something else in place of the ring for Pa to give to Ma?
21 Inspector Red
When the Fraggle Horn appears missing, Red plays detective and helps the World's Oldest Fraggle to find it again. However, Red's not doing a good job, for she seems to be falsely accusing Uncle Matt, Boober, and Marlon Fraggle. Finally, it's up to Red to think of a plan that would make the guilty Fraggle confess... but how is she going to do that without falsely accusing anyone else again?
22 The Gorg Who Would Be King
Pa takes Junior to the Nirvana tree, a tree that, when the last leaf falls, it will be Junior's turn to reign over the universe. But Junior becomes really scared when there's only one leaf on the tree left. Junior then decides to eat the last leaf, so that the leaf doesn't officially fall. When he does this, he shrinks to the size of a Fraggle. Meanwhile, Mokey wants to show Wembley the Nirvana tree, and when Pa spots them, he chases them away. When he does this, he spots Junior who, to Pa, is really a Fraggle. Junior then escapes into Fraggle Rock, and bumps into Wembley. After telling Wembley of how he shrunk, Wembley takes him to the Trash Heap. When they get there, Marjorie tells him that he needs to be small in order to see the universe in a way he hasn't seen it before. Wembley and Junior make their way back to Fraggle Rock, but not before getting chased by Pa again. When the two make it back to the Great Hall, the Fraggles laugh at Junior's stature, and then tell him that Fraggles don't have bosses. Then Junior meets Cotterpin Doozer, who tells him that the sticks they make are from Radishes, and Junior realizes that it all fits together; he likes growing radishes, Doozers build with radishes, and Fraggles eat radishes. Junior thinks he's ready to be big again, but before he sees his parents again, he must defuse a bomb that Pa has thrown down into the Rock. Will Junior defuse it in time? More importantly, does the universe really need a ruler when things seem to be just fine without one?
23 The Honk Of Honk
Gobo goes into "Outer Space" in search of an adventure. But when he realizes that Doc can't see him, but Sprocket can, Gobo becomes amazed. Meanwhile, Wembley catches up to his pal and tells him Cantus is coming back. When Cantus arrives, he tells the Fraggles it's time for the Song of Songs, and in order to do that, one Fraggle must create the Honk of Honks. He assigns Gobo to the task, to which Gobo refuses at first to go back up to "Outer Space" to see the Silly Creature again. Cantus finds him and tells him the Honk of Honks is much more important. He later tells him that, in order to make the Honk work, he needs to realize that "We're all a part of everything, and everything is a part of us." Gobo then gets a honking device from the Trash Heap, Junior Gorg, and Cotterpin Doozer, and connects them all to the Fraggle Horn. But it wasn't the true Honk of Honks, and Cantus cancels the celebration. Later, Gobo and Cantus have words, and Cantus tells him that he finally needs to touch the Silly Creature in order for both of them to see. So, it's up to Gobo to finally make contact with Doc, in order to finally understand what it means to touch someone and see. And maybe, just maybe, everyone can finally be a part of the true Song of Songs.
24 Change Of Address
After hearing that Ned Shimmelfinny has to move to the desert for his health, Doc decides that he and Sprocket will move there to be with their friend. But Doc wants to see Gobo one last time. Down in Fraggle Rock, Gobo's just getting over the Fraggle Flu, which means he hasn't been up to the hole to "Outer Space" to see the treats Doc and Sprocket have left him. When Red brings a note to Gobo from Doc, saying that they have to leave but want to see Gobo one last time, Gobo goes up to visit the Silly Creature, to find out his name is really Jerome Christian, but his nickname is Doc. Gobo tells Doc that exploring is what he does. Doc then asks if Gobo wants to move with them and explore the desert, an area of Outer Space that Gobo's Uncle Matt has not even explored, but Gobo gets scared and runs away, leaving Doc and Sprocket sad. Gobo's not feeling too happy either, he can't leave Fraggle Rock but making friends with a silly creature and getting the chance to explore Outer Space was the opportunity of a lifetime and he's blown it. When he goes to Marjorie for advice, she says that he needs to tell Doc that "He cannot leave the magic." Gobo runs back up to "Outer Space", along with Boober, Red, Wembley and Mokey. But when he gets there, the workshop is completely empty, and Doc and Sprocket have moved. Doc does leave Gobo a message on a tape recorder, and Gobo's friends join him in listening to the good-bye message. When the Fraggles leave, Red makes the comment, "Maybe the Silly Creature left, but we never would." Then Wembley says, "Yeah Gobo... we could never leave you." And when Wembley says this, Gobo finally understands the Trash Heap's message. Maybe Gobo's not too late, after all.

About this show

Join Gobo, Wembley, Boober, Mokey and Red down at Fraggle Rock, from iconic creative mastermind Jim Henson. Follow them as they brave the Gorgs' Garden, befriend the industrious Doozers, explore the mysterious Outer Space and dance their cares away with 96 episodes of fun-filled Fraggle adventures.

Ratings and reviews

27 reviews
Ryan D
August 8, 2019
this show is dumb and degenerate. it will make your kids gain something called tism i think? look up chris-chan and you will see what i mean! absolutely degenerate! this show needs to be d d d d deported! from google play ASAP unless google supports sick and degenerate behavior! 😠
4 people found this review helpful
Justin Maresh
April 14, 2019
In my opinion, Fraggle Rock was the best Jim Henson TV show ever. I love everything about it. Great characters of course. Catchy songs abound. And the way the writers use multiple interdependent worlds that have little interest in each other is clever. I rarely got to see it as a kid because we didn't have premium cable. Since you need HBO to stream, I bought the DVD box set to share it with my kids.
Amelia Lefèvre
August 25, 2020
40 years old and i still love this show. Fraggle Rock was the first internationally translated show meant to bring my generation together via shared experience globally