David Tester
One of the few epic series that even to this day stays on my mind. Truly of biblical proportions. The mix of Sci-fi and religious overtones is extremely well blended. You share in the characters misery, sorrow and triumphs. One of those rare experiences I wish I could erase from my memory so I could watch and relive again. Specifically late in the series when 4 certain characters "wake" and realize they're Cylons. The way the music and other elements are worked in surprise and shock you. Very deep.

Aaron Chapin
Battlestar Galactica, (Reimagined) is not without its flaws, but still manages to tell a more compelling story than any show I have seen since "The Wire." This drama effectively demonstrates that science fiction can provide a stage to present many themes and conflicts that are difficult for other genres to explore. Topics like religion, economics and politics are often considered taboo for many shows, but because they underpin nearly every event within the BSG universe, it enjoys an incredibly rich foundation for exploring interesting character interactions. Highly recommend.

Stephen Peterangelo
Without a doubt one of the best TV shows ever. Well developed characters, moral ambiguity and not overstaying its welcome are just a few reasons why this is one of the all-time top tv shoes. Another major reason is that with very few exceptions, every character does what they believe to be the right thing, no matter how heinous their actions may seem. A must watch for any sci-fi fan or anyone who likes good tv.