debbie andrews
Dear Amy. My husband and I recently moved in 2020 to this address. It's a mobile home in a trailer park we bought. But for 23 years we lived bout 20 miles away. We had 3 dogs throughout our 31 years together. The last one was hopi. We put them all to sleep as needed. So we have no pets here. But bout a year ago we were pet sitting for family when I took a pic of these visitors 2 with my husband. When I played back the video I saw what looked like 3 orbs surrounding my husband. We have also f

Sadae Sashington
I Love the Dead files I can't believe that Netflix and Comcast deleted EVERY SINGLE Dead Files Episode OnDemand ... Smh. It's not fair. Even my DVR dead files episodes are GONE. They should put them back on. Both Netflix and Comcast .. And Netflix shouldn't choose what episodes they want to show and leave other episodes out. They left out episodes from the dead files smh. I hope there is a change for us true fans.
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Amanda Reynolds
Love it.. Only if you have had a paranormal experience I think can you really say you believe.. I'm one of the lucky ones my encounter wasn't harmful. we knew who it was my great grandmother, she let us know she was there.. The impression of her sitting on my bed scared me I was a pre teen then but she was like that but I felt the love so she didn't send me screaming down the hall like she did my sister. However I think she was right I believe there is some sensitivity amongst us💞💯💯