Richard Chen
The utterly biting genius of the writing is widespread in these reviews, but only your watching the show will make you feel how hard it latches onto the terrible drama that is Valley culture. The darkness is nonchalant as these hipsters live clueless about the idleness of their works, as much as they claim to be doing good for the world. Please watch to save the world from these sorts of evildoers.
68 people found this review helpful

Jonathan Klewer
Seriously I got hooked just from the on clip my buddy showed me, which was the this guy does all the... I'll let you find that clip. The show is just great and you should watch it if you love stuff related to technology and geeks/nerds!
13 people found this review helpful

Sam Shue
Finally a show about nerds where the characters personalities embrace the cliches but aren't defined by them. The detail in the made up technology in the show is awesome, even getting professors from Stanford involved to create it! The jokes are great and the characters are interesting! A must watch!
3 people found this review helpful