Actors can't act, too melodramatic. Story is cool at first, but they over do it then get flat out lazy by sloppily covering plot holes, and adding more sex scenes (even all the gay couples get laid). Not to mention they can't close a season at all, they jus wrap it up quickly, and leave the possibility open for another season. Only dumb teenagers would enjoy this show.
74 people found this review helpful

Jasper Harris
This use to be one of my most favorite series... and now that this season is over...i am kind of losing my like for it...i mean the other seasons were build ups to scott and scott being a true alpha....and this whole season he was either hurt or weaker than half his pack.....maybe next season they should focus on remaking him to be a strong alpha like he is suppose to be...but hey thats just me...

Madison Miller
As a spun off from the original movie, the first season seems very cheesy but still captivates it's audience. Through out the seasons you see these characters grow up to be leaders and you see the seasons grow more dark every season. The conflicts make you scared for their lives, but then their badass skills respond to the awesome enimes. It always has you captivated in their situations. This show has teen romance that makes you fall in love with the characters and hope for their survival .
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