iSurvivor: Epic Shoot ‘Em Up

Reklam ehtiva edirProqramdaxili satınalmalar
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Bu oyun haqqında

When an army of monsters emerged from the ground under the leadership of the demon boss, they attacked humans, living creatures and destroyed everything. A peaceful world deeply exists in the jungle, but the monsters also break the peace. Life-hunting monsters everywhere turn life into zombies. As one of the last survivors, you must fight and kill hordes of monsters to rebuild a peaceful world. Start the adventure by trying to escape while rescuing the last survivors.

Monsters appear everywhere, they chase and attack living creatures in the world. The beautiful world turned to ruin. Some people run away from monsters' chase and try to survive, avoid their attacks, and gather together into armies to fight and kill the monsters.

The game is a combination of many different game genres, such as survival games, adventure games, action games, snakes of prey games, and shooting games, etc.

- Survive among lots of monsters and zombies.
- Use every skill to increase your survival time.
- Select proper items for the actual conditions to increase your chances of survival.
- Divide skill sets according to heroes with different strengths.
- Make flexible strategies in combination with life skills.
- Kill monsters, zombies and become the last survivor.
- Experience many games at one level.

- Touch, hold, and move the hero to defeat monsters and zombies.
- Find and rescue allies to form a powerful army, and move your formation according to the snakes of prey game
- Choose proper support items to increase your survival time.
- Collect gear in the adventure and perfect your fighting skills."
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
20 may 2024

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6,74K rəy
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21 noyabr 2023
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