Status Updates Downloader

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Bu tətbiq haqqında

Introducing our Status Updates Downloader app, the ultimate solution for managing status updates across messaging platforms. With the feature Video Status saving in the gallery and Status Keeper, you're empowered to effortlessly save, download, and organize status content with precision and ease.

Auto Save & Download:
Automatically save and download all new status updates from your contacts, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

One-Click Download:
Enjoy the convenience of downloading all status updates with just a single click, making the process quick and hassle-free.

Built-in Video Player:
Watch status videos directly within the app using our intuitive built-in video player, enhancing your viewing experience.

Direct Chat:
Initiate chats directly with contacts without the need to save their numbers, streamlining communication.

Download Expired Status:
Retrieve status updates even after they have expired, ensuring you never miss out on any content.

Notification Alerts:
Receive instant notifications for any new status updates from your contacts, keeping you informed at all times.

Low Size App:
Our lightweight app consumes minimal storage space on your device, ensuring optimal performance without compromising features.

With just a click, our Video Status App feature ensures you never miss out on important updates from your contacts. Save and download status updates directly to your device's gallery, preserving memorable moments for later enjoyment. Our integrated Video Status Downloading app offers seamless access to status videos, allowing you to watch and download them without any hassle.

Forget about missing out on expired status updates. With our Status Keeper functionality, you can retain and access expired status content at your convenience. Stay in the loop with our notification system, receiving alerts for any new status updates from your contacts.

Despite its robust features, our app is designed to be lightweight, consuming minimal storage space on your device while delivering optimal performance. Experience the ultimate convenience and efficiency in managing status updates with Status Updates Downloader. Download now to unlock a whole new level of control and convenience in saving and viewing status content.
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
4 iyn 2024

Data təhlükəsizliyi

Təhlükəsizlik tərtibatçıların məlumatlarınızı necə toplayıb paylaşdığını anlamaqdan başlayır. Məlumatların məxfiliyi və təhlükəsizlik təcrübələri istifadə, region və yaşınıza görə dəyişə bilər. Tərtibatçı bu məlumatı təmin edir və zaman keçdikcə yeniləyə bilər.
Bu tətbiq bu məlumat növlərini üçüncü tərəflərlə paylaşa bilər
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Məlumat toplanılmır
Tərtibatçıların toplamanı necə bəyan etdikləri haqqında ətraflı məlumat
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