Upmood - Emotion Tracker & Moo

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T (13+)

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Full Description: Upmood is the first emotion tracking wearable and app that helps people be their best self through a deeper and better understanding of their emotion.

Through the built-in PPG sensor, Upmood can detect up to 11 emotions — Calm, Pleasant, Unpleasant, Happy, Sad, Excitement, Anxious, Strained, Confused, Challenged, and Zen, simply from a person's heart rate, stress levels, and vitality levels. The information is then translated to real time, day-to-day data for users to keep track of their emotional trends and progress.

On the outside, Upmood comes in a minimalist design of PC plastic watch that emulates the technology's transparency of sharing emotions. Upmood also comes in an assortment of colorful straps and lasts for 12-hours of run time and 48-hour standby time.

The fully-featured Upmood band which connects to the app is also paired with a monitoring app for users to manage their emotional health, keep their mood in check, reconnect with people, and spark meaningful conversations with their friends and family. The app also gives users updates on their friend's and family's emotions at the moment, and even comes with stickers for a more personalized interaction. With our brand new Upmood Watch you your watch would vibrate whenever you receive any SMS or phone calls!

Ultimately, Upmood changes the way we feel and communicate by revolutionizing human emotions.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-fev, 2024

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Updated Upmood Main API
Updated Insight Upmood API
Removed Friends and Groups Module
Removed Moodmix Module