Spark Work Permit Wallet



Spark Work Permit Wallet allows users to obtain and store digital verifiable credentials that enable you to manage your Spark Work Permits.
The Permit to Work (PTW) process exists to remove or minimise disruption to Spark New Zealand Trading Limited customers or network. The process of creating a permit requires that you obtain digitally enabled credentials unique to each permit, which are then stored in your Spark Work Permit Wallet. This is a unique identifier that allows a permit to be digitally bound to an individual in their wallet to aid verification of a contractor’s identity/eligibility before granting permission to undertake work on the Spark network.
There are several steps you will need to go through to use this app effectively:
1. Once you have installed this Wallet App you will need to open the Wallet and set up your wallet with a Pin. Turn on Enable Notifications.點選完成。
2. Register with the Spark Digital Permitting Portal ( Click on Register in the top right corner. Enter your Email Address and a password.
3. Link your Spark Work Permit Wallet to you Spark Digital Permitting account. Once you register your email and password you will be directed to a screen to Link your Spark Work Permit Wallet to your Spark Digital Permitting Portal Account. Open you Spark Work Permit Wallet on your smart phone and select Scan.將 QR 掃描器懸停在用戶註冊入口網站畫面上顯示的 QR 碼上幾秒鐘。錢包將自動連結錢包,您將在您的入口網站帳戶上看到錢包 ID 顯示為 DID(去中心化識別碼)。
4. 建立許可證並接收憑證 -(核准的許可證)。 The contractor accesses the Spark Digital Permitting Portal.選擇工作地點、工作類型並輸入有關他們打算執行的工作的所需資訊。 Submit permit request.一旦經過驗證和批准,Spark 將產生工作許可證作為可驗證憑證 (VC)。承包商在其錢包中收到憑證報價並同意將其儲存在其數位錢包中。
5. 實施許可證 - 驗證憑證 - (這是您前往現場時的情況)。承包商到達現場並致電 Spark NOC(0800 103 060 +1 + 2)以進入現場。 Spark NOC 產生憑證驗證請求並觸發該請求透過安全訊息傳送到承包商的錢包。承包商透過錢包收到一則通知,要求他們出示工作許可證並進入現場。承包商同意出示憑證,然後將其發送回請求者。然後使用可驗證憑證功能來驗證憑證呈現。 Spark NOC 收到驗證結果並授權存取該站點,並透過電話向承包商確認結果。 Contractor accesses the site to perform the required task.
6. 憑證撤銷/到期。承包商在現場完成工作,並致電 Spark NOC,0800 103 060 +1 + 2,建議完成任務。 Contractor leaves the site. Spark NOC 發起憑證撤銷請求,將承包商的工作許可證憑證狀態更新為無效。推播通知會發送到承包商的錢包,告知他們憑證已被撤銷且不再有效。




Thank you for choosing the Spark Work Permit Wallet App.
Improvements include:
- Support for mobile credential profiles
- Miscellaneous usability enhancements