For over 20 years transforming the financial market to improve people's lives, check out the advantages of the XP Empresas app:
- XP Token
Generate your token in the app to access the portal on your computer with more security for your company.
-Multiple users
You can create different users with permission to access the XP Empresas app and manage your company's account.
- Recommended Portfolio
Answer a few questions to discover your investor profile and learn about your options for investing.
- Fixed Income Investment
Invest in the financial market safely with a higher yield than savings. Check out the fixed income options, such as direct treasury, selic treasury, CDB, LCI, LCA, private pension and debentures.
- Investment in Variable Income
You can invest in variable income with investment funds, FII, COE, stock exchanges and trading.
You can also invest in the biggest companies in the world! Any stock exchange investor has access to BDRs (Brazilian Depositary Receipts). A great option for any investor to diversify their investment portfolio!
- Stock Exchange Shares
Become a stock exchange investor, view the shares, learn how the assets are performing today and the trend of the last few days.
The XP Empresas app is exclusive to customers. Open your account and learn about the best way to invest in the financial market, whether in fixed income or variable income, such as CDB, COE, FII, stock exchange, trading and investment funds.