Willis is an application that lets you know all the health insurance you have hired. I interpreted in a very intuitive way the actual extent of coverage, network of clinics, fees, medical staff and other relevant information for patients and users.
Very easy to use just by entering your ID shows you the entire contents of your health policies.
Willis Towers Watson offers its customers and affiliates their application that lets you know all coverages, rates and providers who have your health plan. Puts you in a map and shows you the nearest clinics where you can assist. You can know the prices for each clinical consultation and current coverage your health plan. If you would like to request a refund enabled the download format printing refund. If you were interested in specialties served by each clinical application will provide such information. It will also show the relationship of doctors working in the clinic of your choice and opening hours. You can call directly from the application to the clinic of your choice to book your appointment.
Very easy to use just by entering your ID shows you the entire contents of your health policies.