Brittany Brown
Literally the longest I have kept a widget on my Main phone screen. It is perfect in everyway this is the most ~ perfect straight to the point while being aesthetically pleasing~ tool in my phone. I keep a running list of bills on it. I type quick inventory for restocking at work on it. Very functional. 10/10 and I can see my background through it.
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Geoffrey Paxson
Still a great app. I've been using this app alongside other apps for several years. Using apps like Evernote or Microsoft onenote cost, and this, while of slimmer functionality is lighter on memory, uses less storage and has core functionality that really good, mostly because the interface is so optimized. Terrific little app.
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Utsh4k Fragrant
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It's similar to "Stuff to do list" app, which I love so much, but also has cloud synchronization (google), which I miss so much in "Stuff". It's transparent, simplistic, nothing redundant. The only thing I miss here is being able to manually rearrange notes/tasks, being able moving them up and down. App has sort by creation date, last modification date, priority, but doesn't have kind of "manual ordering". Also, when I sort by last modification date it adds new notes in the end of list (not ok)
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