Science Dictionary by Farlex gives you free, instant access to more than 100,000 scientific terms and thousands of images from multiple authoritative science encyclopedias and dictionaries covering all scientific fields.
* Search 100,000+ terms from multiple scientific dictionary and encyclopedia sources, all from industry-leading publishers.
* Clear, in-depth science dictionary definitions from across multiple disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, oceanography, environmental science, computer science, and more, plus thousands of images.
* 35,000+ audio pronunciations for both American and British speakers in online mode.
* User-friendly, comprehensive, and authoritative: the perfect free scientific dictionary for students, professionals, and anyone looking to learn more about the world of science.
* Save unlimited bookmarks.
* Use native voice search to look up a word just by saying it. (With supported devices)
* View your recent searches.
* See search suggestions as you type.
* Perform advanced searches, including "Starts with," "Ends with," "Contains," and "Wildcard."
* Adjust font size.
* Share your favorite articles via social networks, email, and text. (With supported devices)
How do we do it?
Farlex apps have been downloaded tens of millions times across multiple platforms, with top ratings after hundreds of thousands of reviews. We work with the best publishers to bring together trusted content in the most comprehensive, authoritative dictionary apps on the market. Our flagship app is The Free Dictionary (TFD), powered by Find our other apps by searching "Dictionary by Farlex" in Google Play.