Justin Bieber Songs & Lyrics

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Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana

O aplikaciji

Be a tap away from Justin Bieber wherever you are. This application contains old songs and the latest songs by Justin Bieber compiled for you. This app requires internet to play.

Over 500 songs including:
1. 10,000 Hours
2. Anyone
3. Beauty And A Beat ft. Nicki Minaj
4. Company
5. Confirmation
6. Despacito (Remix) Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee - ft. Justin Bieber
7. Eenie Meenie
8. Hold On
9. Holy Justin Bieber ft. Chance the Rapper
10. Intentions (Short Version) ft. Quavo
11. Let Me Love You ft. DJ Snake
12. Lonely - Justin Bieber & benny blanco
13. Love Me
14. Love Yourself
15. Mistletoe
16. Monster - Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber
17. Never Say Never ft. Jaden Smith
18. Nothing Like Us
19. One Time
20. Purpose
21. Somebody To Love Remix ft. Usher
22. Yummy

Features Available:
1. Enjoy hundreds of popular songs, lyrics, music videos, documentaries on your device anywhere.
2. Simple and easy to use

Due to data usage, we recommend using WiFi or an unlimited data plan for extended viewing or listening.

---- IMPORTANT ----
The content provided in this application is available free on public domain. We do not own the copyrights of the songs. Copyright of the songs belong to the owners. This application only provides an organized compilation of all Justin Bieber's videos. If you are owner of any songs listed in this app and need it to be removed, please send an email to ohemaaapps@gmail.com and we will remove it as soon as possible.

All logos/images are copyright of their respective owners. All images in the app are available on public domains. This image is not endorsed by any of the respective owner and the images are used simply for aesthetic purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and any request to remove one of the images or logos or names will be honoured.
Ažurirano dana
13. jul 2024.

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