
Kategorizacija sadržaja
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana

O aplikaciji

The Human Resource App is a customisable android mobile software of the TheHRApp suite built to help companies automate and manage routine day to day activities in the office, such as leave application & scheduling, appraisals, meetings, payslip, events, sanctions, rewards and many more.
With the TheHRApp, you no longer have to keep those heavy cabinets and files for staff documentation as every documentation is filed safe away on google's secured, powerful and reliable cloud.
Every one of your staff is an object that you can retrieve, update and manage via the app - no papers, fire accidents, space consumption and all.
And most of all you can know if your staff is working from home or the office anytime and officially chat with them without using external and unofficial applications.
Ažurirano dana
28. sep 2020.

Sigurnost podataka

Sigurnost počinje razumijevanjem na koji način programeri prikupljaju i dijele vaše podatke. Privatnost podataka i sigurnosne prakse se mogu razlikovati ovisno o korištenju, regiji i dobi. Programer je naveo ove informacije i može ih s vremenom ažurirati.
Podaci se ne dijele s trećim stranama
Saznajte više o načinu na koji programeri pružaju izjavu o dijeljenju
Podaci se ne prikupljaju
Saznajte više o načinu na koji programeri pružaju izjavu o prikupljanju
Podaci se šifriraju tokom prenosa
Podaci se ne mogu izbrisati

Što je novo

The Human Resource App is a customisable android mobile software of the TheHRApp suite built to help companies automate and manage routine day to day activities in the office, such as leave application & scheduling, appraisals and many more.
This release is built and customised for City 105.1FM.
With the TheHRApp, you no longer have to keep those heavy cabinets and files for staff documentation as every documentation is filed safe away on google's secured, powerful and reliable cloud.