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Om denne app

* Reach comfort in your life by using our software, which is the first in the world literature, produced by academicians as a result of 3 years of work.

* It warns you and your relatives up to 180 seconds before the epilepsy seizure.

* Thanks to the warning you received before the seizure, by taking yourself into a safe position, falling, hitting, etc. protect against risks. You can get emergency help by warning people around and far away.

* Epilepsy warns you and your relatives at the time of seizure and informs you of your location with a message on the map.

* Your location during the watch will be sent to your relatives as an instant message with a visual map and your location will be instantly detected.

* Track the types of epilepsy seizures, duration etc. allows you to securely share information with your doctor.

* Information such as the type of your seizure (epileptic, non-epileptic, a priori epileptic), the duration of your seizure, the severity of your seizure, the frequency of seizures will be instantly transmitted to your doctor via secure data sharing.

* It allows you to keep track of the drugs you use.

* The time of use and dosage of your medicines can be adjusted by your doctor, and you will be warned at the time of taking the medicine. In this way, problems such as unnecessary drug use and forgetting to take drugs will be over.
19. dec. 2023


For at du kan beskytte dine data, er det vigtigt at sætte sig ind i, hvordan udviklere indsamler og deler disse data. Databeskyttelses- og sikkerhedsprocedurer kan variere afhængigt af din brug, din region og din alder. Udvikleren har leveret disse oplysninger og kan løbende opdatere dem.
Denne app deler muligvis disse datatyper med tredjeparter
Lokation og Billeder og videoer
Der blev ikke indsamlet data
Få flere oplysninger om, hvordan udviklere angiver, at de indsamler data
Data krypteres under overførsel
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