Brian Peddicord
Boy, I hope you like notifications because you will be getting a lot of them. Sure, there are some pretty granular options to control what news items you want to receive notifications about but, guess what? They don't work. I have it set to receive notifications for traffic and weather and instead I receive them for everything from high school football to local nobodies doing handstands on unicycles. All. Evening. Long.
A Google user
The only complaint is that when there is a traffic incident in the notifications, the verbal description only appears in the notification (unless I just need to be taught how to find it within the app.). In my experience, once you click on the notification, you get the map which shows congestion with colors, but in the case of such information, the verbal is at least as helpful as the map, and often more so, especially if the estimated clear-away or reopening time wasn't memorized.
58 people found this review helpful
A Google user
Horrible app. It crashes CONSTANTLY and EVERY single video plays for a brief moment, then is cut off by a black screen and a commerical takes absurdly long to load. (I have an excellent data plan) After many of the commercials, which are apparantly more important than the news in which I downloaded the app for, the news video NEVER even comes back up! Don't waste space and time, just go Google the weather and download SMARTNEWS, which has ZERO ads and customizable news worldwide and local.
25 people found this review helpful